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all people looks like that funny when the sit so help


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all people looks like that funny when the sit and when they get up they acting like a robot with their hand and they walk like they are floating on the air .......they really acting weird .......... and i am tired of installing the game over and over to fix problems i mean this stupid problems so by passing time playing fallout you see unbelievable things .............. no more talking just see the pic







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Trying to read this actually hurt. Ive never seen the likes before, try a fresh install with just the game and DLC, see if that corrects the issue, then assuming it does, make a save infront of someone sitting, and load mods in a few at a time. This way you can narrow down which one is causing this issue.
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I can only suggest what has already been suggested, however thanks for posting the pictures of the problem for us all to see. I find glitches or conflicts within the game and mods to be amusing to see, or even record on video. When you find out which mod is causing the problem then maybe you can share with us all what it is so that we can make a note of it, or perhaps alert the creator of the mod of the issue so that they can check over what they have done to see if there is an error in part of the scripts they have made.
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