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How to highten the scare about Mines? ADD broken mines!


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I am a big fan of the Random Extra Traps mod.

I'd like to see a similar mod, that adds mines to the Wasteland

that go all the way to make that horryfying beep-beep-beep

- but won't go off. Consider them dummies or just broken.



with experience, that a mine doesn't go off, ALL mines become

much scarier. What happens to you in vanilla, when you approach

a mine? You are afraid you might not be able to stop it from

going off. Now add to this the experience, that sometimes they

won't go off at all, what does this do to you? Well you're actually

hoping for it. It's very simple psychology - with hope comes fear!

There will be TWO fears now, where before there was only one:


1) I might not be quick or able enough to disarm that mine (Vanilla)

2) Holy s***, i hope that mine is broken, but what if not ...?!?


Fear is a funny thing. It's afraid of result, yes, but the more reasons

there are to get that result, the more affraid you have to be. Fake

mines are that reason. The hope doesn't weight as much as the

fear, your hopes might not come through.

As you see, though the mod would add fake mines, it's not these

fake mines that this mod is about, but the danger of mines.

Edited by olafreinhardweyer
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Great idea.


Little known real life history

During WWII, a comparison was made of troops crossing a mine fields while under fire.- one group was made up of units that knew they were crossing a mine field. The second group was units crossing similar mine fields that didn't know there were mines.


The units that knew, and took precautions, had nearly 50% more casualties because they moved so slow. The second group of units just kept moving - attributing casualties due to the mines to enemy fire.


The psychological effect of knowing there were mines caused actual casualties to the attacking troops. :confused:

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