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Which Race Will You Play?



249 members have voted

  1. 1. What Race Will You Play As?

  2. 2. Will you play as ALL of the Races?

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I haven't been on the forum in too long and I just wanted to know what races you guys were going to play as, also if you could give some reasons why you chose that race I'd love to see them! Edited by AxeAlot
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I can't answer the poll. There's no "all of the above".


Fair enough, is there one race you prefer above all?

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I can't answer the poll. There's no "all of the above".


Fair enough, is there one race you prefer above all?

For personal immersion I usually play a human character (Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Nord), but now that the characters look so good...I'm really worried about what to be. I've had it in my mind to play a Nord for the story's sake but... I wonder now. I'll spend a large portion of time in the creator menu for sure.
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I tend to play two characters in a TES game at any given time:


1. A serious character, where I try to maximize my ability to kill things.


2. A joke character, where I ignore monster-killing efficiency and just screw around.


For the serious character, I'll probably go with a female Altmer.


For the joke character, I normally go with a Khajit. I'll play D'joj, a male Khajit prostitute who dreams of being a foundation repairman.

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Khajiit, Dark Elf, Imperial, and Nord. Those are my highest candidates. I have a feeling that I will start as a Nord or Imperial. I will try to focus my character's skills on magic and one handed blades. However, I will try as a fully magical, or a thief character. I always thought thieves were fun. Magic looks improved in the game, too. Edited by Omeletter
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I agree with you guys about spending a lot of time in the creation menu, it will be very tough to pick just one character that appeals to me , seeing as they all look so unique and bad ass!
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