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please for the love of god read to see if someone posted how to fix your cause of ctd before posting. this forum is over run with them. A ctd is short for crash to desktop.


CTD guide for dummies :wink:

first ask yourself this. did i get a ctd after installing a mod? do i have mods? do i think two or more mods are conflicting?

ready to read an illiterates guide to fix your ctd!


types of ctds


start up ctd

going into or out of a building ctd

random ctd

ctd caused by a npc or item

leaving an area ctd. ie. leaving rivet city

evil ctd

quest related ctd


now that we got the most common reasons for ctds we can get to reasons why they do it


start up ctd- caused mainly by mods or tinkering with the ini or fallout itself. also not having a mods master file active.


going into or out of building ctd- first is your fallout disc in your pc if not then hit yourself :wallbash: this ctd can also be caused by mods changing or conflicting a building if i have 2 mods that change my megaton house i probably will get a ctd. if leaving a building it is usually caused by something worse like incorrectly installing the mod fellout.


random ctd- this one 99% people experience. make sure its random and confusing it with another kind of ctd. there are all sorts of ways to help prevent and fix some reasons why of a ctd. but there is no none fix to fix it completely you must remember fallout is a unstable game. one good way to prevent it is when you leave a building go into console and type pcb. start up ctd can also be related to random ctd if it happens once or twice in a row.


ctd caused by a npc or item- this is the one of the worse ctd if you cant identify it. this ctd can be caused by a modder poorly scripting, mods that conflict with npc or item or npc mod like marts mutants or 19th-20th century weapons mods. keep in mind that its highly unlikely that its caused by only one mod like marts mutants unless it changes the way npcs act or spawn.


leaving an area ctd- this is most likely to happen when leaving rivet city (not the building itself) its rare a ctd that can be very hard to fix and is not entirely known why. there are ways to supposedly prevent it but i have not heard of a fix for more help read a post made by javelin http://tinyurl.com/3osy7ge


evil ctd- this is the worst ctd none to man. this can cause fallout to crash every 5 minutes because it can. it will ctd when you have not saved your over 20 minutes. this ctd only wants you to be miserable and never play fallout again. it can be caused by loading a save that is very important. exmaple on save A your level 18 and on save be your level 7. uninstalling fallout may not even fix this ctd may god have mercy on your soul


quest related ctd- i have seen many post of people getting this during the main quest. this is a tricky one but may be caused by conflicting mods or by fallout itself i sadly have no idea how to fix this because this has never happened to me i only have some advice


you need these they are a must! fo3edit, archive invalidated validated, fallout script extender, and fallout mod manager

first make sure fallout script extender is installed and working and activate archive invalidated validated.


start up ctd- this is caused mainly by mods make sure you load order is correct and run fo3edit, it will check and see what is causing it. if problems persist delete your fallout 3 ini.


going into or leaving a building ctd- run fo3 edit make sure all is ok. deactivate any mod that you think may be the source or conflict. make sure all mods are installed properly.


random ctd- there are all sorts of mods on fallout nexus just check the top 100 misc mods. typing pcb (purge cell buffer) in the console can help. save your game often just in case.


ctd caused by a npc or item- deactivate what ever mod contains the npc or item. make sure no mods conflict fo3edit does not detect conflicting mods very well so you use you brain :hurr:


leaving an area ctd- this is hard to fix run fo3edit make sure everthing is fine. read this post by javelin http://tinyurl.com/3osy7ge see if anything he said helps


evil ctd- you tried everthing this is truly an evil ctd. baptize your computer and delete everything falllout related (saves not included) and uninstall fallout 3 then reinstall. may god have mercy on your soul.


ctd caused by a quest- make sure no mods you think could affect the quest is active. i have never experienced this so read the forums! if you cant get it to stop complete the quest via typing the cheat to finish your quest ( idk code look it up)


well i hope this helped! this is not a sure fire way to fix a ctd but if you follow these steps your probably not going to have that ctd giving you trouble any more

i am not responsible for you screwing up your pc. I in no way was hating (lol) on any mods or modders every mod and program i said i use

:hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr: :hurr:

use your brain people

Edited by thebic4
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2 suggestions:


First: Under "startup ctd" I'm missing the ctd caused by a mod missing it's master.


Second: Please, please, please edit the topic title and the contents of the first post to make it more friendly. Now you're almost making it appear like everyone who has crashing issues is a complete n00b. Yes, I know you probably didn't mean it like that, but it can be very easily interpreted that way. (yes, that's a serious suggestion)


For example: You could edit the title to "How to fix CTD issues". Don't you think that's a lot more friendly? It will also probably draw more to this topic.


Nevertheless I do very much appreciate the amount of effort you put into this. :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

The way this guide is titled and worded is rather rude to new/inexperienced users, suggests fixes for each type of problem that users constantly report not working, does not list all conditions for crashing.


Not only should the wording be made less aggressive and less belittling, but this should be a "List of possible solutions", because it comes nowhere close to providing a complete or even relatively large amount of fixes.


While the contribution is appreciated - you word your post as if this is the ultimate guide and people are dumb for not having known these solutions, when it is actually just a small set of solutions for a small amount of possible CTD issues.

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The "evil ctd" made me laugh. Thanks.


I've had plenty of CTD issues with my (heavily modded) game, and some of them have just been caused by trying to load too much at once. If you're running on a 32-bit system like me (I really need to upgrade to Win 7), you're much more likely to run into limits and this causes instability and eventually "random" crashes.


Some basic troubleshooting steps I use are: disable mods I suspect are responsible, try turning off sound (bEnableAudio = 0 in Fallout.ini), try turning down graphics settings (especially textures), and always use FO3Edit on every mod to check for conflicts and resolve them. Just creating a "merged patch" in FO3Edit isn't enough, in my experience.


Also, I highly recommend using the Fallout 3 Master Fix - http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16665 - it will definitely prevent a lot of crashes.

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I would suggest putting this into a wiki that can then be referenced in the forums. Expecting every new member that is in a panic because their game is crashing to find this after it has been buried in the forums and then read it is beyond naive. In my own experience I find that around 10% even look for a solution before posting. The rest ignore any existing resources - such as search, pinned topics and the WIKI. :wallbash:


By placing it in the WIKI it gets a post ID that can be used to link to it - meaning you will not have to copy paste the entire file every time you want to show it to someone. :thumbsup:


1. Make it into a wiki - see this: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Main_Page

2. Post it in the wiki section with an easy to find name - FO CTD Help or some such - or just CTD help as much of it can be applied to Oblivion and New Vegas as well

3. copy the link to a text file on your computer

4. whenever it is needed - copy the link into the forum

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