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Mod Anticipation


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As for the nudity thing. Many people think its not wrong. But in reality it is, making the Nexus look bad. I mean I talked to people on the 360 and other places and they heard of the Nexus and said it was infested with Female nude mods and such.


Wow, what a sweeping statement. You seem to be saying that because YOU think nudity is wrong, it therefore must BE wrong, period. I have news for you. That is your opinion. Can you explain to me why nudity is wrong? Is there anyone on here who doesn't have a nude body themselves?


I a female gamer myself, and whereas I certainly do not appreciate all the grotesquely huge boob variant body mods, I find nude mods add to realism. After all in the sort of medieval setting that relates to the Elder Scrolls, underwear was unknown for the most part. Females might wear a shift under their dresses, but certainly no bra or panties, and there was no such thing as male underoos either.


I am seriously hoping that dimon99 and Robert get in on the act with good quality nude mods, but that is by no means the only thing that I'd look forward to or the most important. I am hoping for some great texture packs and other types of character enhancement.


I never said nudity is wrong. It may look like it but it is alright. Nudity is not porn but can lead to it. A husband sees his wife naked, That is not wrong, is it? Versus A man seeing other things and fapping to it. That is different. I mean there are many in the world that are exposed because of being poor and stuff I mean in tribes many don't have clothes but that doesn't change much. In Tamriel may are rich so why would they walk around naked or at least be close to it? What I am saying is how the Nexus uses these mods. I say a Nude mod is alright but with things that add more and are just wrong for many that is going over the line. If nude mods by itself were here, that is alright. But as I said things that add so say more may to many be realistic but its going to far. Clothing and the Armor part is just unrealistic. Many would laugh as such matters in old times. (Yes I know it is TES and according to the Divines it is more tolerable, but that doesn't change.) Armor is supposed to protect not show off. Yes many barbarians have similar stuff but in reality not really. Still it is going overboard. Also for the underwear part in medieval part is an understatement. Many did wear it but some did not for money reasons.



Also I see why you said that forgive me.

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Other sites say it as well. Youtube we are giving because it is so well known and popular.


I've seen mention of it, usually from the ill informed, anyone who uses the site knows that nudity makes up only a tiny percentage of what's here. I'm not sure what people want, is it a case of "ban what I don't like" or should modders be forced to make something different?

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Other sites say it as well. Youtube we are giving because it is so well known and popular.


I've seen mention of it, usually from the ill informed, anyone who uses the site knows that nudity makes up only a tiny percentage of what's here. I'm not sure what people want, is it a case of "ban what I don't like" or should modders be forced to make something different?


Never said you should make something different. I may be wrong but I have seen one of the Staff agree with us. Still realism is OK. But there are things that are being added that you won't see it in a more realistic society like TES. Not saying TES is realistic to today's standards or whatever. Just that many of said stuff is going away from realism. If you know what I mean.

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Still let us stop talking about the nude mod thing. Let us talk about let's see. Well I think Oblivion XP was cool. I like Skyrim's system but Oblivion XP let me level past what I normally could of done. Hopefully a Skyrim XP mod will be out. It will give more of another feel to it.
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1. A mod to get rid of the scaling enemies.


That problem's mostly been fixed, actually. Enemies won't get any stronger in the areas you've already been to: You won't come back to find all the zombies have been replaced with Liches and Gloom Wraiths.


2. A mod to get rid of the suicidal wildlife (seriously, you'd think they'd learn on this one)


Apparently there's lots more passive wildlife this time around: There are more things in the world that don't want to kill you than just deer.


3. A mod to put BACK in the stats. I don't care if other people think this is a great change, I want them back in a meaningful way. I'm not sure if this will be possible, but I'm guessing there's something that can be done.


Why? Do you need to fiddle with meaningless numbers to feel like you're playing an RPG? Besides, all that the attribute system really did was make things horribly unbalanced: It's near-suicidal to not put all of your points into Endurance every level-up until it's maxed out.


4. A UI fix for people that play on PC. Bethesda is now the worst PC UI developer on earth.


They've learned from some of their mistakes with Oblivion: No more huge fonts on the PC version is confirmed. But mostly I agree, there will probably be some improvements that can be made.


5. Put spell making back in


Due to the way the new magic system works this will be practically impossible to balance. Seriously the only thing custom spells were ever used for anyway is to fill the power gaps missed by the premade spells (which they now have no excuse to overlook) and exploits.


6. Put enchanting back in

7. Put alchemy back in (assuming their removing it).


Enchanting and Alchemy are still in.


8. A mod that puts levitation back in where it belongs.


You've surely played with an Oblivion mod that gives you levitation. Don't lie to yourself here: Did you ever, EVER use it for a purpose other than getting somewhere the developers didn't intend you to go (like over the city walls in an exterior cell) or cheating by bypassing obstacles the designers put into the game?


I won't lie, Skyrim makes me want to rip out all my hair. We're witnessing the end of the interesting, deep RPG with this release. Hopefully, the mod community can fix it. God I hate consoles.


"Deep" and "Interesting" meaning "I have to spend an hour reading up on all the formulas and exploits on the internet to make a character who isn't totally gimped?" Good riddance to that.

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Awe yeah, first post, first thread started, 5 pages in under 24 hours. *flex*


Keep em coming guys. Would you all like to see a compiled list of wanted mods on the first post? Let me know and I may collect em all and throw them up there.

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i think there willl be all the mods that are in oblivion....nudity ....armors....quests swords and evry thing that is being made... :rolleyes:

Yes but I want cool armor. Capes too. Capes with armor look cool, even if they aren't functional lol.


Awe yeah, first post, first thread started, 5 pages in under 24 hours. *flex*


Keep em coming guys. Would you all like to see a compiled list of wanted mods on the first post? Let me know and I may collect em all and throw them up there.

It's a good topic. Unlike some of them... (Do you likey skyrim? What do you likey about skyrim? Skyrim is so cool!) Edited by SHIROryuu
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Capes would be nice and armor dyes would be nice but the only mod that I really want is either a quiver that refills it's self or a bow that doesn't need arrows MAGIC MISSLES And nude mods (I don't use them) are completly optional and it's some what freedom of speech or an expression of ones creativity or what THEY want in THERE fantasy game
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Capes would be nice and armor dyes would be nice but the only mod that I really want is either a quiver that refills it's self or a bow that doesn't need arrows MAGIC MISSLES And nude mods (I don't use them) are completly optional and it's some what freedom of speech or an expression of ones creativity or what THEY want in THERE fantasy game

Well my mod idea is a armor with cape. Mostly decorative but I want it to have values that match a armor set in the game. Nothing enchanted or over powered.


Magic missiles huh? Could be done. Replace the arrow with a light or flame. Just trigger the empty hand to draw the string.

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