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Mod Anticipation


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The mods I will dload first will be


1 one that bypasses the lockpicking minigame in some way and allows an auto force lock based upon lockpick skill


2 One that greatly expands the inventory/encumberance.


3 Blocking while Dual wielding. My own concept (though not one I myself could implement) is this: The game can determine if your opponent is wielding a light or heavy weapon. If light sword then you block with either right or left weapon. If heavy or ax or mace you block by crossing the two weapons.


4 mod that seperates curass and grieves but only for the PC. npc curass and grieves should be kept as one piece because it was implemented to keep rendering down. But when looting the bodies they should be turned to 2 seperate items.


5 oh, and autolooting.


Then I will wait patiently for:


6 More kinds of monsters like Waax, MMM and that other one. But this time COMBINED!!! you could only use one at a time and wrybash was beyond my comprehension.

6a. no mods combining monsters and weapons (unless its part of a quest mod). Because of the difficulty of playing multiple monster addition mods.

6b no mods combining content and gameplay changes.


7 Midas in Skyrim!!!! I really hope it will be possible.


8 Ports of The Deep and Nehrim (i think thats the name, it was a german mod that was eventually translated described as an overhaul but I never played it) as they came out after I switched from oblivion to fallout.

Edited by jjk999
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The mods I will dload first will be


1 one that bypasses the lockpicking minigame in some way and allows an auto force lock based upon lockpick skill


2 One that greatly expands the inventory/encumberance.


3 Blocking while Dual wielding. My own concept (though not one I myself could implement) is this: The game can determine if your opponent is wielding a light or heavy weapon. If light sword then you block with either right or left weapon. If heavy or ax or mace you block by crossing the two weapons.


4 mod that seperates curass and grieves but only for the PC. npc curass and grieves should be kept as one piece because it was implemented to keep rendering down. But when looting the bodies they should be turned to 2 seperate items.


5 oh, and autolooting.


Then I will wait patiently for:


6 More kinds of monsters like Waax, MMM and that other one. But this time COMBINED!!! you could only use one at a time and wrybash was beyond my comprehension.

6a. no mods combining monsters and weapons (unless its part of a quest mod). Because of the difficulty of playing multiple monster addition mods.

6b no mods combining content and gameplay changes.


7 Midas in Skyrim!!!! I really hope it will be possible.


8 Ports of The Deep and Nehrim (i think thats the name, it was a german mod that was eventually translated described as an overhaul but I never played it) as they came out after I switched from oblivion to fallout.


4: I don't see that as happening .. certainly not only on the player .. just no way


5: autolooting of gold has been confirmed I believe.


1: I bet force lock is in the base game as an option.. always has been.

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1: I bet force lock is in the base game as an option.. always has been.


Yes there is a button at the bottom of the oblivion lockpick screen but it is not automatically successful. The mods I used in OB and FO3/NV presented you with the lockpick screen but if your lockpick level was high enough the force lock would be 100% successful. It's absolutely essential if you hate the lockpick minigame.


5: autolooting of gold has been confirmed I believe.


First I have heard of it but thanks! Autoloot is most usefull when in the wilderness.




I came back so soon because I forgot to add Adonnay's elven weaponry!!!!


I'd also love to see Avaquar and Mithroden. They had been made for oblivion but I'd love to get my hands on newer versions in Skyrim.


Spell Delete was soooo usefull but magic is so different in skyrim I don't know if it will be needed.


Form ID finder!!!


OOOOOHHHH!!!! Its not a mod but someone put out LOTR music in a format usable in Oblivion. That would be soooo boss for this environement as it looks so much more like Middle Earth.

Someone also did the same thing with the Music from Conan.


Fast travel from indoors.


Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weaponry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Since I know now that there most likely be health regen a mod to completely disable regen of health and magicka!!!


Of course the typical high res textures mods of the original textures everyone loves them :D


Call me sick or whatever but the children should be able to die if some dragon perhaps breaths fire on them or a Bandit trys to kill one and if I don’t care to save them because I’m to busy killing snow bunnies and picking flowers.


Then spears and perk tree for it, if you have dragons its almost a must to have pole arms!

Edited by Bloodinfested
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I would like to see the beware of girl mod and Bouncing natural breasts mod for skyrim which changes the clothing. I felt that the eyecandy mod for oblivion was too hard to install and was not as good. Also an animated prostitution like in fallout would be good as well.
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I would like to see the beware of girl mod and Bouncing natural breasts mod for skyrim which changes the clothing. I felt that the eyecandy mod for oblivion was too hard to install and was not as good. Also an animated prostitution like in fallout would be good as well.


I hope someone doesn't do another remesh of the body .. or at least they should keep the same UV maps so I don't to worry about compatability .. both oblivion and F3 had those female body mods and I thought they were badly made and way to high poly .. but ever dress maker used them so I needed to update to those just to download the clothing mods .. but then all the overhaul mods didn't use them so all the major armor addons in those overhauls broke cause they had different UV sets .. I hope whatever body mod becomes popluler next time will have the same UV maps as the base mesh ~_~

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I will wait to see, but most likely body overhaul, hair/face mods, and a purely evil faction with its own questline.


Maybe a vampire VS werewolf mod with both "clans" having HQs, halls, hidden outposts in towns, and quest lines to kill the other clan/faction. Maybe even internal conflicts in those two, like say multiple "great houses" of vampire/werewolf clans. I miss the conflict between great houses in Morrowind and now that the AI is what it is today, I am sure it could become a lot more of a dynamic experience.



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I want to see:


1) SMM Skyrim Mod Manager (preferably the extended version)


2) Sky Bash (Wrye Bash for Skyrim)


3) BSSS (Better Skyrim Sorting Software)


4) TesSkyrimEditor


4) SRSE (Skyrim Script Extender)


5) Deadly Reflex for Skyrim


6) OSO Oscuro's Skyrim Overhaul


7) MMMSR Martigen's Monster Mod for Skyrim


8 - Awesome body mods with BBB Skelteons and Animations for Skyrim


9) Colourwheel's Sexy Skyrim Overhaul BBB edition


10) Single, Double, and Dual lightsabers


11) Lots of cool races and hair packs

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