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Level caps on mobs...I'm really not looking forward to seeing a Bandit run up to me and demand all my gold when he's fully kitted in Glass...that happened to me far to often in Oblivion for my likeing, I was like dude go sell your stuff you could eat for years!


NpC Shut Up Mod...No more annoying comments from random NPC's esspecailly smart mouthed brats too too prevelant in this game.

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I have a couple gripes that I would like to see a remedy for.


First, I remapped my F key to strafe right so I can no longer map items as favorites.

I tried other keys, but none of them work. So, I would like to see that fixed maybe

with a new map-able key for favorites in the configuration menu or have the favorites

remapped to my activate or action key.


Second, auto run keeps getting confused somehow. It seems to turn itself on and off

and it is very annoying having to hit caps lock all the time (particularly during combat).

I would like to either disable the auto run feature or just have it fixed so it doesn't

change itself.

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You should be able to...

*Huge list*

I agree with pretty much everything you said apart from how you should be able to create enchantments without knowing the enchantment. That doesn't make any sense. It's like saying you should be able to cast any spell without knowing the spell. Having to learn the enchantments is part of the whole experience. However, I'd agree that maybe there should be books that teach you enchantments too, since if the only way to learn enchantments is to take apart a magical weapon, how did the first magical weapons get made?

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You should be able to...

*Huge list*

I agree with pretty much everything you said apart from how you should be able to create enchantments without knowing the enchantment. That doesn't make any sense. It's like saying you should be able to cast any spell without knowing the spell. Having to learn the enchantments is part of the whole experience. However, I'd agree that maybe there should be books that teach you enchantments too, since if the only way to learn enchantments is to take apart a magical weapon, how did the first magical weapons get made?

Well, what I said was that you should be able to enchant any item with any known enchantments.


  1. Currently, you can only enchant certain items with certain effects. You cannot, for example, enchant armor with a Fortify Sneak enchantment. All enchantments should be unlocked for all types of items. Some enchantments might have to modified or added to work with all types of items, or perhaps they'd have different effects depending on the type of equipment.
  2. The enchantment should be known to you, as you suggested. You could learn enchantments from books, scrolls, or by disenchanting items.
  3. When enchantments are learned, they should be learned as they are. Currently, when you disenchant a weakly enchanted item, that enchantment is good for creating the ultimate enchantment. That doesn't make any sense. I think you should have to learn +10, +20, +30, and +40 enchantments separately. There might be a way to dynamically create unique enchantments of strengths between 0 and 40, but we'll see if the kit makes that possible.
  4. The Enchanting skill should play a larger role in the strength of the enchantment. Currently, you need 100 Sneak to create a +40 Fortify Sneak enchantment. This hampers the usefulness of the Enchanting skill.
  5. Finally, for balance, enchantments should be reduced in strength or have their costs substantially increased. A +40 Fortify Sneak enchantment on six equipped items nets you +240 Fortify Sneak, which is somewhat gamebreaking.

Also, Fortify Pickpocket cannot increase your success rate beyond 90%, which I also think should be unlocked.

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I would REALLY like to see some emotion or AI in the Compainons. They fallow you everywhere and help you do anything, but they say the same thing over and over, and they don't ever change their "feelings", loosly said, about you. I think it would be great that if you spent a lot of time with them, and helped them out, gave them stuff, maybe helped them with a personal quest, they would start to like you a lot, say nice things, maybe give you a gift that they bought when your not using them. I mean one of them lives with you in your first house, so it would be really great to start a relationship with her. Or they might start to dislike you if your mean to them and abuse their "help."


Have xtra commands you can set before the game truly starts with some xtra options like:

Turn AI Emotion on or off.

Turn Free will on or off. This one would be excellent, if say you go into your house, they don't follow you around still they go off and do their own thing, make food, potions, whatever you have in your house. If they are tired go sleep, eat read... So on.


Then where you go to leave, once you are outside the door, they will come out and re attach to you.


Turn Free Will in City on or off. Same as above, when you go into the city they can go off buy weapons armor, make their own, whatever they need or want. To be able to do this, It would be great to add a factor that they can loot as corpses and whatever you don't. So they can get money and items as well, use what is best, sell the rest. So they have money, plus you could always trade with them to get what you didn't from looting, or give them stuff for them to sell or give them money if they need it to buy something.


Static Commands on or off. If you tell them to sleep in a bed they do, but once you cancel so you can go to sleep, they get out of bed, so turning this on would stop that from happening. Basicaly they would sleep untill you talked to them again and woke them up.



This is something I would pay for, lol.

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A khajiit night-eye toggleable night vision would be awesome. It is misunderstood how it works. Tested it, this is how it works:


1.) The night eye is NOT a once-per-day power

2.) After use, it lasts 60 seconds OR you can turn it off, but there is NOT any toggle to turn it on permanently.


I bet it is as easy to mod as it was in Oblivion, but I don't know anything about modding. Is there anyone willing to do this?

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