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Add a minecraft forum!!!!!!


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It's pretty obvious that I want a minecraft forum (please excuse me if I'm misusing the term forum). I'm sure lots of people love this game (bought it two days ago hooked on it already) and I'd like this to have it's own forum becuase it would be great for bragging about buildings, asking questions, etc. If the people in charge would do this I'd be very very very grateful.


For now peace out


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It's been asked before, but it likely won't happen until Dark0ne gets some interest in the game. And in the meantime, we have the Minecraft server thread (Though it's locked at the moment).
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Whos “Dark0ne" and I'm glad to see people interested. I just started playing so Im not into online servers and stuff I'm just making my house creeper proof so it doesn't blow half my house up. I hate creepers the scare the s*** out of me when they sneak up on you. Edited by Youroblivionman
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He's a genius. Have people messages him about this


Probably not a good idea, it's just a question about time before he looks upon this thread either way, and I'm sure he is getting spammed enough as it is considering his position.

Not intending to be rude or anything, I love minecraft myself. :thumbsup:

Edited by amycus
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This question has been asked. (By me actually over a year ago)

A minecraft nexus won't exist, ever. That much has been made clear.


A subforum was said to be possible under the fact that Dark0ne gathers some interest in it.

At this stage of the game where it's actually very stable and quite enjoyable on servers (with a good upload speed like our tesnexus server) Dark0ne still doesn't seem to be interested so don't get your hopes up.


A forum itself isn't actually necessary. We have the minecraftforums which hosts all the mods, all the videos, all of the topics and more. Which is also recommended by Notch himself on the minecraft.net site.

As much as us "Nexusians" would love it, it just isn't -that- popular here and our number are few.


My Falloutcraft mod is a good example, great mod. Puts Minecraft into the Fallout world, huge amount of views but only a few hundred downloads. However when I posted a video of it on Minecraftforums, it just exploded.

The traffic is there I'm afraid :P

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This forum is about RPGs and Childcraft isn't an RPG as far as I know. Actually it's barely a game, because the graphics looks like 1985.


And here I always thought that this forum was primarily about mods... :rolleyes:

If we were just talking about RPGs I would probably hang out at gamebanshee more often than here

And graphics isn't all that makes a game you know. I doubt that there is anyone who thinks that planescape:torment or baldurs gate 2 shouldn't be called games.

Edited by amycus
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And here I always thought that this forum was primarily about mods... :rolleyes:


For a few games. Like you, I greatly enjoy BG2 and PS:T, for example, but you won't find any mods for either title, here. Owner's privilege. He pays the bills, he chooses the games.

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