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I work in a very small office as general everything from finance and credit control to chauffeur if the need arises. I have to keep an eye on emails and respond to website hits immediately. It means I am stuck at the desk most of the day. In real terms the actual time I'm needed to work varies from 1 hour a day to occasionally three but I just have to be here. I get time to write and type my books and plays and I don't have to work late giving me evenings to get my plays read and performed, a chance I never had before.


It suits me although sometimes the boredom does set in! :(


Fortunately more often than not, I find something to laugh about. :lol: :lol:

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I'm studying informatics and scientific computing. Its tough, but I hope it'll pay off in the end ^_^. In the beginning I was like :o only mathematics! Every equation or theorem has to be proved and you must find the learning materials on your own. Today its rountine, but I still have to steal every hour, that I want to spend in Morrowind ;).
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I have finished English Philology, which should mean I'm an English expert, but unfortunately doesn't. I might be an English expert here, but I'm sure I am not anywhere where people speak English.


Anyway, now I'm doing a post degree course on translation, which I hope will give me the status of expert in translation...

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