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Playable Skyrim Demo!!


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Ignoring the link even though I am being drawn to it.

I want the detail and stuff of the real game to over welm me 11-10-11 ( I preordered it so I get it the day before )


Wait.. what? .. how where? .. no way but explain anyways please...

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Absolutely will not play any demo for Skyrim--want to be blown away with the full version in my hands, all at once


Same .. Its one big tease and it wouldn't be fun at all .. But I still want someone to demo it and give the details

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I would be so playing it if I lived in the uk. If it is open to the public there I imagine it be like a slayer concert a large and crazy mosh pit trying to get into the front doors


Oh right .. They also said it will be playable at PAX too .. 4 days from today .. Seattle WA

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