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Part of a mesh isn't showing up


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Try opening your project up in blender, selecting the "bip.0" skeleton and deleting it, save your project as "blahblah_new.nif" close blender then reopen it and import your modified helmet, then import the bones only from a working helmet.nif. Alternatively, you could back up your current work and keep the model named "blahblah.nif".


Edit: Clarified one of the steps a little. Closing Blender makes sure the old skeleton is no longer in memory to avoid the newly imported skeleton from being named "bip.01"

Edited by MShoap13
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I'll give that a try, downloading Blender now. I hope that importing and such won't be much trouble, and be easy. Stendar be with me.


Right, I don't know how to open my helmet.nif in Blender, this is starting good :confused:

Edited by Faceshifter
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