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Animation Help


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I want to have my NPC play the se_blacksmith animation. He plays the animation, but the repair hammer and calipers do not appear in his hands. What have I missed?

I've added all the right conditions and references in the Idle Animation section in the CS.

Here is a what I did:

I inserted a new Child in Unique Anims, SEAnims, SE30Anims, and called it "GhorugGroMarabForge"

Animation Group Section : Special Idle

Must return a file is toggled

Target set to: No

For the Conditions:

GetIsID/ NPC: 'GhoruggroMarab'/ ==/ 1.00/ AND

GetDistance/ Reference: 'GhorugMarkerRef'/ </ 25.00/ AND

GetIsCurrentPackage/ AI Package: 'GhorugForge'/ ==/ 1.00/ AND

MenuMode/ 1009/ !=/ 1.00/ AND

MenuMode/ 1034/ !=/ 1.00/ AND

The KF. is there. and SI is activated in my game. I'm clueless to what else there could be.


Thank-you for your time,


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You have to define hammer and claw as "AnimObject"s.


Look at the examples already defined there. Because everytime hammer/claw are used, new AnimObjects have to be created. The definition includes an Idle anim folder (_male\IdleAnims) and an Idle anim name (the ID of your Idle Animation "GhorugGroMarabForge").


A little strange how this is done. But that's the way. :thumbsup:


Edit: one recommendations: I would never mix your idle animation definitions with with standard (too many ways to make mistakes, and what if you decactivate SI?)

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Thank-you HeyYou and Fore for the feed back. I took for granted that if the Smiths in SI can do it so could my NPC without the extra conditions. It makes sense to me now, and I will give it a go. If it was as easy as I thought then everyone would be doing it ;)
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If it was as easy as I thought then everyone would be doing it ;)

No, actually this IS easy. Just a few clicks. And there are so many examples of animated objects in Oblivion that work just the same: drink bottles, eat bread, rake, paint, make potion, ...


But amazingly not that many seem to know how they work. This question comes up about every month. And as it looks like it's always me who has to answer it. :)

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