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Midwestern BOS power armor


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all of the versions of this power armor have some sort of problem that makes them wrong..


>the Midwestern Power Armor Professional edition" has a perfect body(exept the pauldrons need to be loose and hanging not tightened and held up) but the helmet is huge. the helmet's horns and the thing imbitween are too long. (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15690)


>Arkaan's Midwest BOS Power armor is probably the closest, but the helmet is kinda off, and the whole armor looks like its made out of stone. (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15652)


>and Captian ultima's midwestern PA (the FNV version not the wierd old FO3 version) is just overall too small. (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38850)


>i need someone to basicly combine these aspects from each:


-the helmet from Captian ultima's MWPA with extended horns(they're too short but exacly the right shape)

-the body from Arkaan's MWPA with slightly smaller Pauldrons

-the textures from daishihun's pro edition MWPA but greyer (like a slighly rusted grey with a little green tint), and made to fit the new mesh.


>dont just use the parts from the actual armors just use them as a basic outline.



>i know chances are no one is going to respond to this at all but please, make this for me, i literaly cannot and will not ever figure out how to do this myself. (i just dont understand most of the programs used to make things like this). these little flaws that i see may not seem like much to you, but im the kind of person that just cant get over it or just ignore it something looks wrong looks.. its an annoying feeling, and i know no one can make it perfectly or exacly how i want it, please.. just try.



>ANY feedback is accepted


>This would be greatly apriciated







>heres a picture(and im sure all of you have seen this already):


Edited by warkiller75
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