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About warkiller75

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  1. could not pm you so i posted a comment
  2. i have an idea for your mod maybe if u put sleeves on the arms that hole might go away and can u help me with porting two mods form nv please here are there links http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41279


    to fallout 3 please and thank you

  3. the NCR is much more powerful than you realise, they would have no trouble sending reinforcements and obliterating you. they destroyed the enclave and beat the brotherhood. what makes you think you would win? the NCR has hundreds of thousands of soldiers, mabie millions, how could you possibly win?
  4. new vegas is 20% FO2 refrences, and 80% stuff from van bruen, the canceled fallout3 by black isle.
  5. they arent in fallout from the begenning(only as skeletons), these are the "aliens" created by humans and appear in FO1 and 2 their real name is "wanamingo": http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Wanamingo
  6. the aliens in FO1 and FO2 arent acutally aliens, thats just their name, they are creatures created by the military.
  7. Herald wasnt knocked into a vat, to my knowlege, he just absorbed radiation inside the facility i belive. edit- after checking, harold isnt a ghoul, but a FEV mutant, that apperantly just looks like a ghoul. To the untrained eye, Harold appears to be an ordinary ghoul. This is not so, however. Ghouls are the result of massive and/or long-term radiation damage to a human body; Harold is a product of the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Unlike most people who are exposed to FEV, Harold did not become a super mutant, but is the result of a unique combination of radiation damage from constant low-level environmental exposure, indirect exposure to FEV (it is unclear how Harold was infected with FEV as he blacked out for a while during his exploration of Mariposa) and a fair amount of random chance. Thus he's not a ghoul, and certainly not a super mutant. To quote Tim Cain, "Harold is special." - fallout wiki also, harold has appeared in every fallout game exept: Fallout Tactics Fallout New Vegas
  8. this was a very popular request for new vegas, i think they concluded it could not be done (if it could be done it would be very very buggy).
  9. dragonetti/the people you quote, chicago is in fallout tactics, and san francisco was in fallout 2.
  10. this is kind of wierd - i think that in the very end of fallout 4, your character wakes up in bed, in the year 2077, the day before the bombs fell, then the narrator at the very end says: "in the end, he woke up to find it was all a dream, but that doesnt mean dreams dont come true, because war, war never changes."
  11. well its not really possible for something like that outside the enclave to exist, since no other faction is capible of creating new power armor. and even new power armor would be battle worn, because its a military armor, used for combat. the colossus t-49x tesla armor has both the tesla and enclave remnants feel, and i think it looks pretty new. but if you like t51b try: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39777 its a retex, but makes it look new. theres a t45d version here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38806 and a remnants APA here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39502 and gannon family tesla armor: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39266 ^ All by "CaBaL120" ^ or you could go for the Midwestern APA with the full grey texture: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39955
  12. have you seen this: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=42756 if you have i might be working on this armor for someone: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/301558-forgotten-armor-for-fallout/page__p__2748437#entry2748437 and if i cant do it myself i'm going to try to commision someone to do it for me
  13. yeah this would be my fav armor if soemone made it, and it would no doubt have thousands of downloads' infact i might be working on if because i've contacted him myself, this is just incase i cant do it.
  14. flickone for some reason cant finish this armor, could someone finish it please? PM him if you can do it cus he'd give u the file. Forum Topic where he asks this: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/301558-forgotten-armor-for-fallout/page__p__2748437#entry2748437 Picture of the Armor (i know this link sometimes doesnt work, theres a link to it in the Topic, link is above)
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