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Why does Oblivion Hate ME?


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So for the best part of Today I have been trying to re-install Oblivion onto my PC , Because I had to wipe my Hard Drive because of a virus .Right now I am running Windows Xp Pro but I am getting Windows 7 tomorrow (Hopefully) .

The first problem I encountered was that my GFX card had no drivers installed ,With the help of some people from Chat I got around that .But then My Bethesda Softworks folder Magically disappeared which meant I had to go on a magic journey to un-install it .

And now after everything else Oblivion wont install properly , Whenever I try to install it I get some type of error .If needs be I will post pictures of the error messages and get down on my knees and beg god for help or for him to send Jesus down to me for half an hour.

If anybody can help me PLEASE , I am so sick of this right now!

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Don't spend effort on a temporary fix. (Getting Oblivion running on an operating system you are getting rid of tomorrow.) Save your energy for setting up Oblivion on your permanent operating system. For today, play some other video game that is easy to install or is already installed. Maybe even find some other recreational activity to engage in. You can survive without Oblivion for one day.
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