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New redesign implemented


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Cross posting from feedback, I'm unable to log in at all using chrome. I've cleared cookies/cache. Page just refreshes, login box doesn't change to the username drop down I see in most screenshots in this thread.




Wasn't an issue at all before the update. I could also actually find things before, as others have said.

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This new design ... well ... I want the previous version back. We all got used to the old one and this is now a problem, I can't get to my files immedietly. This orange sears into my eyes, i think i'm going to get blind. O and by the way the comments to mods don't show up, or am i blind already.

No offence, for real u guys did a great job, but this a bit to extreme of a change for my simple noobish mind. I would suggest placing an option button to switch between skins.

Edited by Galejro
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I don't understand why negative endorsement feature was removed?"


because neg endorsements always seemed to be about trolling instead of mod fixes and improvements. good riddance. people that are truly interested in helping both the modder and the community with mods and whether or not it is good or had bugs will leave comments about those issues and/or pm the author. Some of the reasons for neg endorsement choices in the past were lame as hell you have to admit. "Didn't fit the persons beliefs or tastes"....well don't download it then fool. again I say, Good Riddance!


@ the staff

I have a request....the pages are squished and don't automatically fit to screen anymore so I was curious why the images that have been cropped do stretch and fit themselves to the window they are in. They look like crap until you click on them. I would much rather have the thumbnails have blank areas in them from the cropping than the site to warp the way they look by stretching them. Is this something that can be done?

Edited by XTR3M368
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I don't understand why negative endorsement feature was removed?


Because there we're people who Disliked/Repped down something merely because it hadn't been before. And nobody cares if someone doesn't like something.

I cared. You could always tell a reason for doing so. And anyways you had to download the file first and wait a few hours before you were allowed to endorse/not. It also served as a warning if the mod was really bad and not worth downloading. Wasn't that the reason it was there in the first place?

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Simply put, I hate the new layout. Really, I hate to say it, but this new layout sucks. It's ugly, hard to read, and way too much empty space along the sides. Seems to me that quite a few corrections are in order here.


I can't even look at the Nexus in this condition. I understand that there was some real work put into this, but the way it is now, is not working out.

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I just want to ask one questions:


Where is the Fallout feeling of this site gone?

There is not one thing in this design that takes reference to the game it is about.


After some getting used to one will find everything just as fast as before, but the old design is still the better choice. More text and more pictures on one screen, better overlook and proportions of pictures and text, less showy and willfully hip, Pictures in image section of mods had titles, endorsement tab on modsite showed Users who endorsed regardless of comment or no comment(I gave users Kudos or Rep which is now impossible :/), no cutting off or squezzed pictures - my mod site now has a much unsharper and cut off picture as banner - not a good way to promote my mod :/

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