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Injured NCR soldiers not spawning. Any idea why, and how can I fix it


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In the field between Nelson and Camp Forlorn Hope, the injured NCR soldiers never seem to appear. There are landmines present, but no bodies (save for the occasional dead NCR patrolman). According to the Vault Wiki, they were removed in the Xbox version upon the release of Dead Money, but I'm fairly certain I've heard of people with said expansion encountering them in the PC version (the wiki even lists Letter #9 as being on an injured soldier located west of the Abandoned BoS bunker). Any assistance as far as how to restore them VIA the GECK would be greatly appreciated.

And, on an additional note, just in case someone who knows reads this and missed my other post, is it possible to use the GECK to restore the NCR annexation option for New Vegas and Mr House( as opposed to killing him)? Thanks again

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And, on an additional note, just in case someone who knows reads this and missed my other post, is it possible to use the GECK to restore the NCR annexation option for New Vegas and Mr House( as opposed to killing him)? Thanks again

what do you mean "restore", like "i chose the other option in the game i play" or like "it's been edited out by a dlc"...?

if the first, nope, that's in your savegame. but you could try to ResetQuest NameOfTheQuestThatRemovedThatOption at the console, maybe that helps (better make a new save before though, for this could break other running quests relating to that one)

if the second, yes, either make a mod that puts it in there again or remove the deletion with fnvedit

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