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In Need of a bit of help


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My Oblivion keeps Crashing right after the first cut scene I can't even get to character creation. I'm not sure its a mod or what. I looked in Bash and all my little boxes are green which I'm guessing means my mods are fine. I'm no expert so it just might well be a mod. I ran BOSS and There are a bunch of different notes under mods saying I need to do or not do certain things that I've already corrected. It keeps saying the Alive waters esp is dirty, I've cleaned it several times. I also keeps saying several other mods are dirty as well the difference is that with Alive waters there is a link to TES4, with the other ones there is no link this is not including the ones that are suppose to be dirty and go uncleaned. Also I "fixed" some unrecognized plugins with BUM not sure if I did it right or not and that might be the problem. I've attached a .txt of my my Boss log I know its kind of long but I would really appreciate the help. I'm completely at a lost
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You have forced esp files to load immediately after Oblivion.esm, causing them to load before other master (esm) files. You need to learn how to use your userlist properly.


Consider installing the combined esp for sound sets, rather than many individual ones.


You should get rid of the buggy IWR and install AWLS.


You have 4 Get Wet plugins active when you only should have one.


You have 3 horse turn speed plugins. You actually don't need any if you use a Bashed Patch - via tweak.


I don't know enough about FCOM and MMagick to comment about those.

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