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A few item edit questions


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I got the tes construction set a few days ago and started to try out moding. However, there is a few things I have some problems with:

Since I havent gotten to the point of adding custom items into the game yet I have only edited existing items so far.


1) I want to add a edited item into the game. But in the object window it says count 0* . since the count is 0 it wount appear in the npc shop list.

I can ofc just drag the item from the object window into the render window and drop it to the ground. But I thought that is just too boring. its not like you just walk somewhere and by chance you find a good armor or weapon on the ground to take.

other items that has the count 1 and up appear in the shop window in game, but with 0 it doesnt. how do I add counts to it in the object window???


2). How do you set ownership on items. I tried to drop a item on a desk in front of a ncp show owner with ownership none, however, when I got there in game it belonged to the shop and I would have to steal it to get it.


3) how do you add weapons to a weapon rack ? or place armor/other items on the shelves ???

Edited by Wolves425
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