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Problem Immersive Interiors


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It is not like this picture:


Picture Mod:




My Picture:





Picture Mod:




My Picture:




They are the same positions, Chorrol fighters guild.

But look at the window is "lighter" and you can see perfectly out, mine is dark and hard to see out why?

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I'd suggest using All Natural instead of Immersive Interiors as it does the same thing only it's better optimized and is a more complete work. All Natural also makes a large list of other changes to the environment.


Your windows not displaying exterior cells may be due to improper installation, a lack of archive invalidation, or maybe even your anti aliasing transparency settings in your graphics card's control panel.

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I'd suggest using All Natural instead of Immersive Interiors as it does the same thing only it's better optimized and is a more complete work. All Natural also makes a large list of other changes to the environment.


Your windows not displaying exterior cells may be due to improper installation, a lack of archive invalidation, or maybe even your anti aliasing transparency settings in your graphics card's control panel.


I have it, because in the readme says it is required to force the "All Natural".

I put everything I said.


I have:


All Natural - Real Lights.esp

All Natural - SI.esp

All Natural Base.esm

All Natural.esp

Immersive Interiors.esp


However I do not have it, or HDR antialiasing when I play, I turned there

Edited by Razor444
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It looks to me like you don't have the right interior meshes installed, which replaces the windows that are opaque with transparent ones. Did you put the meshes from ALl Natural in the right locations?
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In Mod Meshes are some folders but does not interest me, I Think.


I also think it's the texture of the windows.


Folder Mod:


00 Core ----> Ini (Folder) ---- All Natural - SI.esp (i Have)

All Natural - Base.esm (i Have)

All Natural - .bsa (i Have)

All Natural.esp (I Have)


01 Real Light (Folder) -------> All Natural - Real Lights.esp (I Have)


02 Bash Filter For Various Mods (Folder) -------> All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp (No Have)


03 Nascosto Isles Weather Patch (Folder) -----> All Natural - Nascosto Isles Weather Patch.esp (No Have)


04 Kvatch Rebuilt Patch (Folder) ------> Meshes //// Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch.esp


05 Oblivifall Losing My Religion Patch (Folder) --------> Meshes /// textures


06 MMM Patch (Folder) -------> All Natural - MMM Patch.esp (No Have)

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Is All Natural.bsa located in your \Data\ directory? What type of Archive Invalidation are you using?


You could try unpacking all of All Natural.bsa to your \Data\ folder using BSA Commander but this shouldn't be necessary for the window's to be replaced.

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Screenshot Bruma:











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I'd suggest using All Natural instead of Immersive Interiors as it does the same thing only it's better optimized and is a more complete work. All Natural also makes a large list of other changes to the environment.


Your windows not displaying exterior cells may be due to improper installation, a lack of archive invalidation, or maybe even your anti aliasing transparency settings in your graphics card's control panel.

At least get your facts right before posting.


All Natural makes the windows see through, and provides the weather effects for indoors. Immersive Interiors relies on All Natural, and makes it so you can see the cities through the windows from indoors. All Natural does not make the cities visible, All Natural and my mod do entirely different things.


And OP: You need to set your bashed patch correctly. See here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Immersive_Interiors_bashed_patch_help

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