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Come Fly With Me


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I'm on the quest "Come fly With me" and have to clear the nightkin in the basement. Ive killed 3, there are no more, not even the jailor for the key to find Harken's friend. I have ED-E with me, have searched for at least an hour down the same damn hallways. Help :(
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Near Hadrian theres a nightkin named whatshisface.crap I forgot,but hes got a bumpersword and hes quite close to Hadrians hideout. Hes the boss down there and if you kill him and the rest(theres not that many tbh) the quest is easy.



Just wait till you get the infinite loop diolouge bug with the Ghoul wanna be.

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The nightkin is called "Davison" and his master is Antler, a skull. He talks to you, but after you can kill him. Once the nightkin have died, a quest update will appear.


If you are trying to do the main quest, then you can simply go straight to The Strip with $2,000. Do the credit check and go to The Tops Casino, the main quest will continue from there.

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