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Quote of the Day


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Just so everyone knows, I made this forum for fun! You may have jokes as your quote, movie references, and so on. What I ask of you is to keep these in compliance with the rules on the nexus.


A Good Example: "What you have yet to find, is not lost"


A Bad Example: "Insert racial/sexist slur, inappropriate attempt of humour here,"


With that said, I will keep track of points for people, you get more points if you come back everyday and post. So say someone makes 1 post per day for 30 days, 30 points. If they dont come back the 31st day the will lose all of their points. (Unless one decides to PM me a legitimate reason for not being able to post) then I will make exceptions and not wipe their points.


The main thing here is to Have Fun!!! so spread your wisdom, if you care to share :)

Edited by iansaltman
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"The whole world is in chess. Any move can be the death of you. Do anything except remain where you started, and you can't be sure of your end." - King Baldwin IV, Kingdom of Heaven
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"Sometimes we are not all heard, because everyone is trying to speak, but through those words come a power like no other, and when thee has discovered thine who has said such words, and believes them, he is a follower, and thine speaker, has become a leader"


-Something I did in writing class.

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