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Day 2 - Nexus redesign


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I agree with the comments of clintmich and the others. Why you decided to ruin the look, feel, and functionality of this site in such a manner is baffling. There's less functionality, less intuitiveness, and far less style in this new design.
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I still preferred the old design on a visual and functional level (Disregarding the code behind it, web coding is not my strong suit but I don't see how it could not have been improved while staying with the old look and feel.) but at the very least you are takng user feedback into consideration while still sticking to your guns.


I would prefer to have the Nexus I'm used to back, not only because I was used to it but because I honestly feel it was a more user friendly and better looking website. But that's clearly not going to happen, I don't like it but I have to respect that you're sticking with your decision while still taking our feedback into consideration.


EDIT: One major note I forgot to add. The latest file view, which is what I primarily use to scan for new mods is criminally inefficient. The old design had them laid out in a grid more or less, letting me quickly look through the page and single out things that look good.


The new display system is in a vertical line, it's much less convenient to look through the mods and it's really hurting the user experience. It's now much less convenient to look through files and find what I'm interested in and it's making me not want to use the feature at all.


On a different note, this new edit box is inferior to the old one in every concievable way.

Edited by UrgeNexus
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@lanep25: There's three green buttons that stands out quite a lot on the top of the page for endorsing, endorsement number and "Vote for me". It's the first thing you should spot on the page unless you can't see green.^^


Nice update Rob, and looking forward to more! :)

(Especially the Premium Notifications and the skins.)

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Good job with the design. Overall, I think the change was an improvement. I also want to say thank you for all of your hard work as well as a willingness to listen to others input. Really, what I should say is thanks for creating the Nexus and keeping it going for so many years. Without The Nexus sites, the global modding community would be a lesser place.


I hate to sound like a broken record here, but I am not overly fond of the decreased page width. There is a great deal of wasted space here that detracts my focus from the site's content. I think a good solution to this would be to offer an alternate layout in the users control panel while keeping this layout as the default.

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I love what you did with the place. :D


Anyways, I felt sad when I saw so many people raging about the new websites. People fear change. It's a fact, and now we had proof on the Nexus. To be honest, I know your team is doing the best to provide us with a network that both performs and looks well, so I'll keep providing constructive criticism. I wonder if people actually know what it means...


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"Next the fixed width isn't going to change no matter what is said."


I would really like to think there is a good reason for this. However at this point I can only hope, seeing as how it has been decided that no reason whatsoever should be given by you for this ultimatum against what many users have requested. Seriously, just explain why this cannot be, and hopefully people will understand. Or maybe it's some horrible reason and we will still be upset. But if no reason is given, the users can only assume that the reason given would just upset us further, which of course will cause us to be upset.


If the situation regarding this fixed width ultimatum is not improved, I fear that the nexus will go from a great site with great mods, to just a site with great mods. I don't want that to happen, and neither should any one else.

Edited by Nonsense667
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