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Realistic Ragdolls and Force v3 w/SI


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Installed OMOD for said mod, in OBMM it shows up in red, a conflict report shows the following.



[Realistic_Ragdolls_and_Force_v3_SI_COMPATIBLE_with_Extras_from_D2ks_Action_Ragdolls-34109.omod] (major conflict)

Data file meshes\creatures\wraith\skeleton.nif already exists

- No data found on file.

Data file meshes\creatures\ghost\skeleton.nif already exists

- No data found on file.

Data file meshes\creatures\deer\skeleton.nif already exists

- No data found on file.



This conflict report displays only data file and script defined conflicts

For EDID conflicts, please use the full conflict report tool.



I'm not sure if the missing files are supposed to be there from the mod, or from default oblivion (I'm guessing the latter, as the mod isn't meant to add any creatures to the game, just how they die). I tried reading the comment section, didn't find any help there.


Mod can be found here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34109


Any insights?

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From my understanding, the realistic force mod changes the skeleton's so I would imagine that the .nif file is what is being replaced. Have you looked at the readme's to see if there is a conflict between the 2 mods? You obviously can't have 2 mods changing the skeletons at the same time.


BTW, by skeletons, I am referring to the part of the model of each actor that connects each of the body parts, not the creatures that are running around if you didn't already know that. :)

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From my understanding, the realistic force mod changes the skeleton's so I would imagine that the .nif file is what is being replaced. Have you looked at the readme's to see if there is a conflict between the 2 mods? You obviously can't have 2 mods changing the skeletons at the same time.


BTW, by skeletons, I am referring to the part of the model of each actor that connects each of the body parts, not the creatures that are running around if you didn't already know that. :)




Well, although it says 'conflict' there appears to be only one mod involved (from what I can tell). "Extras_from_D2ks_Action_Ragdolls" just refers to the fact the author took snippets from that mods code and included it in RRaFv3 (you might have already knew this, wasn't sure).


Unfortunately, there is no readme with the mod, just the OMOD file. I looked at one of his previous versions of the mod as well and also come up empty there. One person reported the game crashing when the game couldn't find the .INF file for a creature that died, so I'm very cautious about activating it. :ohdear:

Edited by nrot
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Well, the Realistic Ragdolls and Force mod replaces just about all skeleton.nif files there are. Those contain the bones the vertices of meshes are rigged to so they move along with them and bend fluidly at the joints and whatnot and make up the underlying armature for the creature's meshes. If at any time a vertex can't find the bones it was rigged to, it doesn't know what to stick with and shoots off into infinity, stretching its polygones along with it. You might know this from beast race NPCs configured to use the human skeleton or some special "animated" types of clothing and the like.


In the skeletons there's also the whole ragdoll information, what happens when no animation has any effect on the skeleton anymore, e.g. when the creature's dead, and physics apply, like how far can a bone be rotated around a certain axis, or how much effect has gravity on the skeleton etc. Changing this so it is more realistic is the idea behind this mod, so it does of course replace any and all creature and whatnot skeletons it knows of.


Now as for the so-called "conflict detector" of OBMM, I wouldn't pay it too much attention. For example if one mod, let's say a DLC, adds some nice new set of armor but with low quality textures in some peoples' eyes, they go ahead and release a mod replacing those texture files with higher quality ones. For OBMM's conflict detector this will be a "major conflict" just like you get above, but of course it's definitely intended to overwrite those files and it's not a conflict (in the sense of something causing trouble) at all. If a replacement is intended, it can't be a conflict, but OBMM of course can't know that.


In your case the conflict is between this ragdolls OMOD and another non-OMOD mod you might have installed earlier, as there are already skeleton.nifs for most of your creatures in your folders when OBMM tries to extract the ones from the OMOD. I don't know what this previous mod might have been, but if you intend to use the Realistic Ragdolls mod, you have to let these skeleton files get replaced, no matter what. So, again, it's not a conflict there. You can use either the mod those files were coming from or the Realistic Ragdolls one. Whichever you prefer, the "conflict" is resolved as soon as you decide which one to scrap, thus to install the OMOD or not.


And I don't know where this "missing files" idea came from here. All it's telling by these "No data found on file." is that it couldn't find an OMOD they're part of and doesn't know where they're coming from. It does "not" mean any files are missing.


One last thing, the only way a replacement of Vanilla assets, the files coming from inside the BSAs, can ever go wrong is when Archive Invalidation is done wrong or the UAC is messing with your files' locations when on Vista or Win 7 and the game's installed in the default location, somewhere inside program files, or you're using Oblivion from Steam, again steamapps is inside program files, and the file dates of the Steam BSAs are far too recent for any replacer-type mods ever to work and need redating back to the release of Oblivion or simply clicking "Reset BSA timestamps" in OBMM's Archive Invalidation Utilities and then making sure BSA Redirection (default settings) is used for Archive Invalidation. Failing to use BSA Redirection with Steam Oblivion can again render all replacer-type mods non-functional. And if you use BSA Redirection but still have left-over ArchiveInvalidation.txt files in your folders, from previous attempts at manual or automated Archive Invalidation using an unreliable out-dated approach, they will make the game attempt to invalidate files which no longer are inside the BSA to be invalidated (this is now an empty dummy, that's how BSA Redirection eliminates the need for Archive Invalidation entirely once and for all) can cause multiple random issues.


These are the only ways a thing from the Vanilla game can suddenly have missing meshes or textures, as else the ones safely stored inside the BSA files would "always" be used when no other files would be found.


(Uh, I think I rushed that one paragraph. Sorry, I'm in a hurry.)

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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