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Nifskope new body mesh is grey


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Hi Guys


I created a body and exported as OBJ from blender, did a lil sculpting in zbrush. And then i used an alredy existing HGEC nif in nifskope and upon loading you notice everything of the existing HGEC body is white, the rig is also white. So i imported my new body obj and copied the vertex and triangle data from the object and pasted over the HGEC vertex and triangle data in order to replace the body but keep the rig. that worked but now my body mesh is grey even though the rig is still white and i dont know how to get it white like the original one was. Its not a material issue as i have left those settings the same. When i load the mod the body works perfectly but its shading and texture looks weird and im assuming its because in nifskope unlike the original mesh, mine was grey.


Please help if any of this makes sense

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Are you sure that your body works fine in game? I find it hard to believe that you were able to cut and paste the skin weight data between meshes using just nifskope. (Not that i'm saying it can't be done. I just didn't think it was possible?)



Anyways about your question:



1. Things appear TEXTURED in nifskope when the mesh HAS texture and nifskope CAN locate the texture on your hard drive.

1. Things appear WHITE in nifskope when the mesh HAS texture, but nifskope CANNOT locate the texture on your hard drive.

2. Things apperar GREY in nifskope because the mesh DOES NOT have texture at all.



You said you made your body in Blender and altered it in zBrush, but did you unwrap the mesh, texture it, and apply the texture to the mesh, before you loaded it into nifskope?


You also wondered why your mesh appears all unusual when viewed in game... if its not due to the above reason, that it does not have a texture, it is because in Nifskope:

> Select your Mesh > BSShaderPPLightingProperty > Block Details window > Shader Type > Has not been set to SHADER_SKIN.

Edited by FavoredSoul
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thank you so much for such a detailed reply.


i didnt even know what the different colors meant for the meshes, but now i do.


yeah the body works and i can clearly see the modifications i have made, for eg, i sculpted a different waist and abdomen and i see the changes in game the only problem is the texture has a glow, funny enuff the uv wraps correctly as in the chest has all its texture details in the right places but the texture as stated has a shiny kind of glow to it.


im not sure what skin weight data is but will google :)


quick interesting point...i figured out how to apply a texture in nifskope, so i put in the full path to the texture and it worked perfectly, no funny shiny glow, but in game it still has a problem, by the way i was applying a HGEC texture from another mod as the base body was built around the HGEC body.


will try setting it to shader skin if it is not already set cause as mentioned i have not changed anything in the nif but the actual mesh data ie: triangles and vertices's data as copied from my edited OBJ

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