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Need Recommendations for a New Handgun


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I use the Taurus Raging Bull with Bullet time due to that glitch.My Mosin-Nagant has the SAME issue where unless im point blank my shots miss with Vats.


This bug has been present since Fallout 3 and nothing has been done as noone knows how to fix it.



DWC NEEDS you to run on high textures else it borks itself and looks bad. Part of the horribad missng problem in 3rd person results from how the Devs felt the need to have the camera so awkwardly placed. I run Project Nevada so I use bullet time so its easier and i leave kill cam on so I can enjoy those long distance iron sights shots.

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I got nailed by that problem with VATS too, I can never use revolvers, only pistols. Never understood why I just blame it on my system vs. the engine or something.


Anyhow, my holdout pistol was always a 12.7mm pistol at the endgame, and I put a silencer on it as soon as I could find one. I also found the 12.7mm SMG was fair for dealing with Deathclaws at point blank range, it is just not all that accurate at range. However, it uses the same ammo as the 12.7mm pistol which is nice.


What is strange is that as a player the revolvers don't work but if I give them to my companions they work fine.


If I had my choice I'd take the .44 magnum, fully modded, as my pistol of choice, until I could get a Sequoia. In fact when I first bought the game that was my first instinct, I went right for the .357 and wondered why I could never hit anything. Then I got a .44 hoping that would fix things and had the same problem. So I had to go with pistols instead of revolvers, sadly. Ended the game with a 12.7mm pistol.

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Try a 3rd person cam mod, like arwens has one, it may fix the issue with 3rd but idk how youd fix it with vats, it implies to me a stat issue, unless your trying with 10 per 10 agi 100 energy and 100 guns lol Dont forget the 10 luck
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It's not a stats issue, and I've tried adjusting the auto-aim in Project Nevada--it just makes my shots more precise, not more accurate. I'm convinced it must be a bug I just can't do anything about... which is really sad. The Fallout engine simply has something against style. *sniffles*


I thought about using the 12.7mm, and I may even switch to it, but that'd mean starting from 0 in the Signature Weapons mod, whereas I now have a ton of kills with Maria. Or I may re-enable the kill cam and try first person shooting in bullet time as a compromise. Decisions, decisions... Thanks all for your help!

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Every character I make has her own trademark weapon, or at least style of weapon. My latest creation is a gunslinger, and for a while now I've been running with Lucky, which I think is a neat little gun. It's not too powerful, and it has an interesting design. I also like the feel of reloading one round at a time, even though it's liable to get me killed.


The problem I'm having with Lucky is that the gun doesn't play well with V.A.T.S. or with 3rd person shooting. Bullets constantly fly high, and it's getting me killed or seriously injured in situations that should be no problem at all. I could stop using V.A.T.S. and simply play in 1st person, but I like the cinematics, so--


I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good handgun that they know works well in V.A.T.S. and 3rd person, or, better yet, a solution to the V.A.T.S. problem. From what I've read, a number of guns have this issue. From the Fallout wiki:


VATS targeting is bugged for certain guns - most lever action rifles and a few pistols: it consistently shoots high, making headshots improbable or impossible. Consistently replicable by starting a new game, adding a brush gun (id: 00121148) and .45-70 ammo (id: 0013e43e), forcing guns to 100, and shooting at Easy Pete's head from the nearby road. Bullet impacts will appear on the windowpane behind him - and, shot after shot, will consistently be high. Modifying the gun to have perfect accuracy and/or setting fVATSSpreadMult to 0.01 will reveal that the VATS point of aim is roughly a foot high. No known fix yet. This bug also seems to occur with the Hunting Revolver.

Preferably something that looks more like art and less like a hollowed lump of iron. I'm picky. Rare ammo a plus, as long as I can craft it at a reloading bench.


Hey, I have GREAT NEWS!


This thread got me to thinking about some stuff I've messed with in GECK over the past few months and I came up with a FIX for this issue. I tested it out myself and it works like a charm, all the revolvers work now! Woohoo!!!


You can find the initial version of my fix here at my homepage at Lady Moiraine's site, go into the Revolver Fix thread and click on the download link.


Drakes Homepage


I'm gonna try to post this on Nexus as well just had a lot of stuff on my plate today.


Let me know how it works out for you!


EDIT: Nexus Download Link

Edited by drakeelvin
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You did it!! I rushed back to the Lucky 38, pulled out Lucky, and thoroughly tormented my companions with it. So far the fix has worked on every gun I've had issues with, both in 3rd person and in V.A.T.S. This opens up a whole lot of possibilities, thank you! I made my own version of your mod to cover some of the guns from Project Nevada, WMX, New Vegas Bounties, and Devil's Mistress. They all work perfectly now.


The main difference I notice in the AttackRight animation is that the guns stay fairly level. There's a lot more recoil in AttackLeft and Attack5, and I wonder if that's causing the issue. If the recoil bit of the animation happens even slightly before the projectile is launched, that would account for the accuracy being off the way it is. I wonder if there's a solution that would preserve the recoil in those animations without causing this problem. Maybe a tweak of the attack animations to push the recoil into a smaller interval? Or maybe the rates of fire and animation speeds are out of sync--I don't know enough about those to really say.


At least with this I can stop using these guns as paperweights. Thanks again!

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You did it!! I rushed back to the Lucky 38, pulled out Lucky, and thoroughly tormented my companions with it. So far the fix has worked on every gun I've had issues with, both in 3rd person and in V.A.T.S. This opens up a whole lot of possibilities, thank you! I made my own version of your mod to cover some of the guns from Project Nevada, WMX, New Vegas Bounties, and Devil's Mistress. They all work perfectly now.


The main difference I notice in the AttackRight animation is that the guns stay fairly level. There's a lot more recoil in AttackLeft and Attack5, and I wonder if that's causing the issue. If the recoil bit of the animation happens even slightly before the projectile is launched, that would account for the accuracy being off the way it is. I wonder if there's a solution that would preserve the recoil in those animations without causing this problem. Maybe a tweak of the attack animations to push the recoil into a smaller interval? Or maybe the rates of fire and animation speeds are out of sync--I don't know enough about those to really say.


At least with this I can stop using these guns as paperweights. Thanks again!


That is cool. I setup the permissions so you can release your mod as long as you credit me for the original :D


Revolvers are so cool, I started a new game just to use them FINALLY for the first time in a year! They rock!


And yes, I came to the same conclusion about the attack animations, many people have commented on this how it seems to be a bug in how the engine processes that animation and it screws up the aim. Don't ask me how I don't know the game internals, but I did observe that when I used to fire a revolver the recoil always seemed to happen before the gun actually fired.


I really don't mind the gun staying level, or the fact that you use two hands like a pistol. A lot of gunslingers do that in RL if they are not strong enough to keep the gun on target with just one hand. I've shot a target revolver in RL and I preferred to use two hands, personal thing I guess. Main thing is, for those of us with systems where this bug torments us, we can use them.


After reading this thread and knowing what I now know about attack animations I gave it a whirl and it works.


Also very cool is that you can still use all the weapon mods, when I tested it I tried all the vanilla revolvers and each weaon mod in turn, everything worked out smoothly.


I'm so happy it worked out, I always felt I'd missed a big part of this game having only pistols to fight with.

Edited by drakeelvin
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