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You cannot use anything from other games. If the content you are uploading is all your own work, or resources that are free, you should be golden. Taking someone else's mod, fiddling with it, and uploading it is also considered bad form, unless you have express permission from the original author to do so. (or, the original author states in his readme file that he doesn't care what ya do with it.....)


Need to sign up for an account at TES Nexus, (not just the forums....) sign in, and at that point you can get to the upload section. I think there is a tutorial for this somewhere???


If you use a modders resource, state as much in your readme file that should accompany your mod. (readme is basicaly a synopsis of what the mod does, how to install it, and credits for the work contained therein, including whatever resources you used that don't come with the stock game. meshes, textures, scripts, etc.)

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If you use a modders resource usually you have to put a line in your credits section like this:

MrNiCo for Crystals from "Crystal Stone Resource" http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=32940


If it is labeled as a modders resource, that means it is free to use. The restrictions usually just involve things like including the name of the author and web address of the original file in your documentation, and sometimes including the author's original readme file in the upload, or sending the author a message notifying him or her that the resources have been used. So you don't actually have to ask permission, or get the author to answer a message, you just have to follow a few small rules they make and jump through a few hoops. But it is very little to ask for all the benefit you can get from using modders resources.

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