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Mod compatibility questions


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I have the Pipboy Readius mod, and have recently gotten it to work properly again, and there are two other mods I'm interested in using: Darnified UI and Color Hi-Detailed map and icons.


So I want to know if these three particular mods are compatible with one another, as all of them involve the Pipboy at some point. The readme in the Readius does mention Darnified at several points so I'm guessing it's compatible... but I don't know if Color map and Readius are compatible, and if Color map and Darnified are compatible. Does anyone know?

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Since I use both colored map etc. and Darnified UI, I can confirm that these two work together perfectly.


I don't have the Pipboy readius mod, but considering the fact that Darnified UI essentially only changes the HUD and the colored stuff is only composed of some texture replacers for the map and it's icons, I think those 2 will work without conflict with the readius mod.


If not, then you can always remove Darnified UI pretty easily if you installed it via FoMM's package manager. The colored stuff is just a couple of folders with replacer icons and stuff so that shouldn't be too hard to remove either.

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