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Bag of Holdings


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I have installed it and I'm only having trouble working out how to get things in and out.. used to use this mod when first came out but it has been a long time since I have played and cant remember how to use... any help

You can drop it on the ground & use it like you would a cabinet or drawer then simply pick it back up, or you can use it the way I do.

1. Hit the tab button find & click on the bag in your inventory, you may hear a little sound afterwards (that’s good) hit the tab key again 1 time only and after a while a different screen inventory will appear, that's the contents of the Bag Of Holding.

2. If you want to drop something from the bag to your regular inventory simply hold down the shift button while you click on it (like a regular drop) now it is in your regular inventory.

3. If you want to put something in the bag repeat step 1, then click on the bartering / give icon to put in the bag, you will need to hit the tab button 2 times to get out.


I love the bag of holding, it was the first mod I ever used & will be the last one I get rid of.

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When you pick up the Bag of Holding it is added to your inventory - under Misc near the bottom. Once you have the bag of holding in your inventory just click on it. it will act just like any container in the game WITHOUT having to drop it or anything. Use the right icon to put things in, the left icon to take things out. Whatever you take out will now appear in your normal inventory. Whatever you put in will no longer be seen in your normal inventory (its in the bag!).


A note on using the bag. I have found that when you get a very large amount of stuff in your bag, accessing the bag will slow down quite a bit. it's a good idea to offload the contents of the bag into chests in your hideout. I use a set of 30 chests that I have set up using the CS and a mod called Speedy Disrobing - (No its not a nude mod!) by Wolfhound. Each chest can be defined and you can move all of what you want to keep but not have to carry around into the chests.


Hope this helps.

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