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OBSE question: how to change gravity under water


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Hi all,


I am looking for help from anybody who has some experience in modifying gravity (which should be possible with OBSE functions at least since OBSE v20, according to my understanding).


I am currently working on a mod that should modify gravity/velocity effects while under water.

I've been experimenting a lot with the following OBSE functions that - according to the documentation at http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html - look like the right methods for it:

However, it looks like none of these functions seem to be working under water. For instance, if I use SetLocalGravity to change gravity to a value above the default (which is -515), my player character will immediately be drawn straight up into the air, given that he's standing on dry ground (which means that the function is working per se). But once I am swimming or diving, this has no effect at all.


Am I doing something wrong, or is this a limitation of OBSE or the game engine, that cannot be worked around in some way?



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