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Welcome all, i use to play Alot of TES and god knows how many add'ons for both morrowind and oblivion i made,

So first order of bisness


Rest in peace Tessource, i dont know what happend but i mis it.


anyway i need some help.. i use to help alot of people with making houses and stuff and i once helped some man on a race skin....


Now i 6 months later i'm going to play again and well i want to know what race that was i helped on.. yes its stupid forgetting it but o well here it goes


---> The Race looks like ... a skunk person.. The face is kinda catlike with a black&white collored skin/fur o and dont hate the furries this one looked cool...




oke now houses i can make myself thats easy.


But as i was reading i noticed vampire talk , and i was like vampire... in oblivion ? i remember them in morrowind. So what is the best vampire mod out there ? that has gameplay like it was morrowind



and well all in all could you very nice people give me a list of the mods that change the gameplay . that you think are the best and i know i can just browse files. but 60% of the add-ons suck so i realy want some personal expirence to help me out





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/shameless bumb :(



edit : seems this community issent as alive as it once was


A forum is NOT a chat. I check in twice a day, one in the morning, and one in the evening (usually).

Have patience.


"Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly." - Plutarch (46 AD - 120 AD)


BTW, that mod of yours (skunk-like people), was it made for Morrowind or Oblivion?

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he didnt say it was a chat he said forums aint as active as they once were.



Well, considering that he replied only two hours after the start of the topic, I thought he was rather impatient.


Edit: About that mod, can't you just search after your own name? Maybe you'll find it that way.

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