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At what time does parental discipline become abusive and who should ma


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Well 1st you need to draw a line when discipline becomes abusive ... nay Idea how that could happen ?

Let me give you a basic idea how that could possible happen ..

With great power comes great responsibility and with great power at that can be unleashed and uncontrolled upon someone at the mercy of someone else's who is in a dependency relation to the one with power, Now in a family who could fit in more into this role as dependant and powerless than a child?

And how easy it is to mask the abuses because no one will believe a child when it states out that it was emotionally abused and even if the it happens in front of people there is still the the option to say it is necessary disciplination. No one will think in times as we live in that it could be an emotional abuse because it would be unavoidable to watch such a parent carefully when it punishes the same child again because then it will become obvious if this was diciplination or abuse but who will do it and go over and tell the one that he / she is abusing the power of a parent for emotional gain and the volatile and fast vanishing felling of power over someone. Since such crimes, if unpunished draw closing circles that draws more and more abusive actions from it (like a junkie that is desperate for the next shot, if the drug in his mind is down low.) the abuses of poisonous discipline become more etched into the soul of the one that abuses as well as the damage of the abused child. since it is a dance to the grave for both the abusive parent and the child why does want a parent to dance with a child to the grave of both. i can come up with enough false justification of that model and non are valid justifications that are all can be made viewable to others if you know how a junkie would justify his next shoot. It is the same kind of reasoning that an abusive parent uses, only the context of the whole situation can make sense if it was a justifiable disciplinary measure or not and that's where the system turns the head in the wrong direction.

if you have doubt how would you react to an emotional abusive partner in an relationship and what is the difference to a child at the mercy of a an emotional abusive parent ? if you can see the difference you will see why neutral observers are required that do their job not because they have a job, but the know the danger of what happens if the the abuse continues and isn't moved against.

Here 10 examples to identify emotional abuses .. not only for partnerships but for children as well the 10 signs can be applied.


....and non violent discipline can be abusive from a parent. How can a child come out of the situation without any help of others ?

( lol in No. 8 freedom is written wrong)

Edited by SilverDNA
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Well it's a relief to discover that I'm not the only person who feels this way ... no, I did not read the other posts just in case you wonder ... I started at Silver's - excellent video btw.

My granny or Nana as we used to call her ... did not believe in sparing the rod, she was old school ... my rear was tanned on many an occasion.

It was "Come here lassie" and then it was bend over the chair or arm of the couch ... then up went the dress and down went the underwear ... in front of everyone mind you , and then

whack whack whack on my bare rump ... and then I had to apologise ...

Oh, and no crying, that was an excuse for another hit with the big wooden spoon and then I had to wash the spoon and put it back into the drawer ...

Let's just say that the spoon went missing oneday.

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