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hey! whtas wrong with my script mod?

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my script is the same that a aliendisintegrator changing anything why dont compile?


ScriptName radioactivityDisintegrationEffectScript
Float Timer
Short DoOnce
Short IsPile
Begin ScriptEffectStart
SetCriticalStage DisintegrateStart
PMS RadioactivityFXShader
PMS effectspellradioactivity
Set Timer to 1.8
Set DoOnce to 0
Set IsPile to 0
Begin ScriptEffectUpdate
If DoOnce == 0
If IsPile == 0
If Timer <= 0.5
Set IsPile to 1
If Timer <= 0
SetCriticalStage DisintegrateEnd
SMS RadioactivityFXShader
SMS effectspellRadioactivity
Set DoOnce to 1
Set Timer to (Timer - GetSecondsPassed)
Edited by alexdeadite
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When posting code on the forum, it's preferable to do so within code tags. This uses a fixed-width font and preserves indentation, which makes it more readable. Please use this button in the future: code.png


As for why it won't save, you've replaced the function call AttachAshPile with a call to a non-existing function, RadiactivityAshPile. I'm not sure what your script is supposed to do, but this isn't the way to go about it.


Other reasons it might fail is if the forms RadioactivityFXShader or effectspellradioactivity doesn't exist.

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The line RadiactivityAshPile is interpreted by the compiler as a function call, just like AttachAshPile in the original script is a call to a function that places an ash pile at the calling actor. Your problem is that no function by the name RadiactivityAshPile exists in the game. The compiler doesn't know what you want to do, so it won't save the script.


I recommend that you take a look at a scripting tutorial to get the hang of how things work.

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