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Argonian Vampire look change mod request


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I've been looking all over the net for a Argonian Vampire look mod that does the following:

- Removes Oblivion's reset to default skin color bug (if it IS a bug) when Argonians become vampires, it should stick with the color the player originally set, including the off colors that are not by default possible for Argonians in the character creator, like blue, black, white, etc.

- Removes the human-like pink eyes that Argonians get when they become vampires, instead, I would suggest replacing those eyes with eyes that are still lizard-like, but with black sclera and glowing red pupils.


Finally, I just decided to ask modders for it, if you can make a mod like this one or point me to one that does at least the skin one, I'd be very appreciative, and if you had to make it, I guaratee it would be an instant hit. The Oblivion Argonian Vampire looks pretty hideous in my opinion, and this mod would help them look less sickening and more badass.

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Unfortunately most parts of Vampirism are hard-coded and Oblivion doesn't know there's a difference between races.


There is only 1 eye texture every vampire gets, be it human, elf, argonian or khajiit, they all get the same bloody human eye textures.

You can make this more lizard-like, but then also the human vampires get lizard-like eye textures.


I don't know about the skin color changes, but there are already mods out there which turn it off... at least I think there are...


What puts me personally off most is the thing with the teeth by the way. You remember the Argonian vampire teeth back in Morrowind? The "cobra"-look with the two big fangs? There's nothing like this in Oblivion. Oblivion's Argonian vampires don't even have fangs to begin with.

I investigated the mechanism behind vampire fangs a while ago and found out they're coming from a morph in the TRI file, protruding the two teeth outward. At least that's the case for humans and elfs and etc. Nothing like this in the Argonians' TRI files though. The whole morph itself is missing there! I put one back in on my own, just to see if I could get their canines to protrude this way... no use. It seems the morph itself is not even called when an Argonian transforms into a vampire. If it is inside the TRI file or not doesn't matter.


All those weird hard-coded restrictions not even "we" can work around now really put me off sometimes.

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i dont think argonians are meant to be vampires, i've searched all over Cyrodill and have not found a single Argonian or Khajit vampire yet :psyduck:


Nice idea, but if you want a vampire, why dont use an Imperial or Breton ?, those look pretty cool.

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