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Banned Prototype Power Armor Mod


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For people who are not familiar with this - Bethsoft, and most other game companies do not create all of their own models and actually license some assets from third party programmers. Those assets are licensed for that one game only, so not even the game company can use them in another game without a new license. It is allowed to use those licensed assets in mods made for the game they are licensed for. But NOT for a mod made for a game they were not licensed to be used in. Doing this opens up Bethsoft to being sued by the third party who actually owns these assets.
Just to give a good example of this people might be familiar with, the unit voices in Dawn of War 2: Retribution are different to the unit voices in Dawn of War 2- they had to be re-recorded as Retribution was a completely stand-alone game and not technically an expansion (as even though it used the same title, engine and most of the art assets it didn't actually link in to the previous DoW:2 games/expansions), so the voice actors contracts didn't allow for their work to be reused in it.


And that's for content in a game by the same publisher, same developer, same series and even same 'step' in the series.

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