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Real list of Top Ten Horror Game


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Fatal Frame 2 was a very scary game. I don't believe that game is underrated at all haha. Anyone that I've talked to that's played it has always told me it was one of the freakiest games they're ever played. I'm happy to see Doom 3 on that list. That game was surprisingly scary. Amnesia being number one is kind of meh. It only has that position since it's the newest on the list so it's effect hasn't quite worn off yet. Don't get me wrong, if you play the game the way it's meant to be played, sitting in your room by yourself in the dark with the sound cranked, it's a very scary game. My only gripe is that the mechanics of the game never change. You can only run and hide. You try to do anything else and you end up dead. For me the games effect wore off about halfway in the game when hiding from the monsters/servants became a normal and expected thing. It got to the point where at the first sound of one, I was already in a hiding spot in .5 seconds while whistling waiting for it to move on.
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There's not a single game in this list who's position I agree with, so I'm going to reject your list and substitute my own.


Games that were scary?


#1 EVE Online. Perhaps the meanest, cruelest, evilest game ever created, the infamous EVE Online makes no pretense to liking you or wishing to see you succeed. A darwinist hell to the weak, and a paradise of vice and slaughter to the strong, with nearly unrestricted PVP available globaly, no rules besides no hacking/selling for money and an extremely unforgiving death mechanic EVE online stands alone for shear brutality. Any ship you lose is gone forever, this is fine early on, but as you climb the ranks, combat becomes a battle to plan careful, as losing your ship could cost you millions, even hundreds of millions. Furhtermore, lose it and you're ejected in a pod, which can be targeted by other players and destroyed(in one shot) lose the pod, and you lose ALL your cybernetics(again, usualy tens if not hundreds of millions of credits worth) and whatever your cloned body was worth(again, usualy tens of millions) As a result, losing a ship can be financialy aweful at best, and crippling at worst. And the better the ship, the less it insures for, to the point that a "T-2", the main ship genre for advanced players, can only be insured for 30% of their value, and that doesn't include gear.


And without money, you make become stonewalled, unable to afford to replace your lost craft, an unfortunate event not unheard of. Well played, even a Frigate can be used to devestating effect, but the idea is simply not to die much.


This, combined with the "no rules whatsoever besides no hax" mechanic makes the game extremely stressful. PVP especialy can spell financial ruin, at surviving at all requires significant thought and calculation. Some idiots still get through, usualy by gold buying(a legitimate practice here, but only if you buy it from the devs via the EVE main site) but they soon cripple themselves, and the community... The EVE community is made up entirely of darwinists, with mottos like "dont fly what you can't lose" and "survivial of the cheapest" players who fail to protect their assets are often met with anyhing but pity, usualy scorn, comtept, and even disgust. One man famously spent 3 hours begging in a public help channel before a player got so tired of him that he spent 20 million credits to find the beggar's location and kill him personaly, posting the corpse for all to see.


*more will be edited in, I have currently run out of time*

Edited by Vindekarr
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Eternal Darkness is one of the better animated games i have come across. Its was pretty scary and yet Epic at the same time. One of the the most overlooked horror games.




very much ahead of its time.

Edited by Thor.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Eternal Darkness is one of the better animated games i have come across. Its was pretty scary and yet Epic at the same time. One of the the most overlooked horror games.




very much ahead of its time.

Ever since I saw Eternal Darkness on GT's Top 10, I've always wanted to play it; however, I don't know where to find it.

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Well, Silent Hill, for sure, FEAR (the first one) I'd also agree...


On my personal list, there also is AvP (first, oldest one), just can't forget the levels as a marine, where you just spend all your ammo even tho there are no enemies.


But thinking about it, I'd say the scariest game I played was Dead Space, but just on the first playtrought... I mean that seriously scared me sometimes. Especially the part where I was playing with headphones in a dark room during a night and someone who wasn't supposed to be in the house touched my my shoulder. I tink my hands were shaking for like three days after that.






As for EVE, that is not scary, it's just frustrating. But in a way, realistic.... I find EVEs way more interesting than the classic "Whoops, I died, now I have to run back 2 minutes, DAMN!"... There you might end up with just your skills, "no" ship, freaky cheap body and no money. And tenths of hours lost of course. Sort of limits the number of "ROFLCOPTERLULZ people" in the game, which is pretty cool I'd say :P

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I enjoyed Obscure a lot, especially the first one had some pretty freakish part. It wasn't always super scary, but the camera angles did their job in most of the scenes.


And Resident Evil 2 always freaked me out, I never got past the clock, 'cause a ticking clock scares me too much...


Yeah, clocks are my worst enemy.

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