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Upgrading companion look with CT


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I am no modder, but I have been poking about in the construction kit a little bit and learned how to locate npc's and stuff. For my own enjoyment only ( I have no intentions of ever spreading this, ) I wish to sprite up my favourite companion with giving her another hairdo from Ren's hair pack. When you answer this remember I am no modder, I am a gamer, and I have no programming experience what so ever.


I think what I need to do is to somehow get the hairpack into the companion file ( duh ) but I have no idea how to do this, and I don't know how I get the option up on the npc sheet so I can make the companion wear the new hair.


Can anyone tell me step by step what I need to do to give my companion a new hair ?


What I have loaded the companion setting it as active file in the construction kit ( I got the latest version, ) and I have loaded beautfull people as a plugin. So far so good. Then I have scrolled down the list and found the custom hair and the custom eyes that I want the companion to wear.


And here is where I am stuck. When I save the companion ( I do have a backup of it and beautiful people incase I screw up, ) and start the game the companion got no hair. ( the none option in the construction kit. )


I know this is a stupid problem but still I would be very gratefull if anyone of you could help me.

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Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I posted this problem on the planet elderscroll forum as well and I got the solution to my problem there.


The first thing I did was that I got python and a library for it and I got the wrye Bash program. ( wrye bash demand python and the library ). I then used wrye bash to copy the beautiful people .esp file to an .esm file. I loaded my favourite companion in construction kit and tagged the new esm file. I picked the hair and eyes I wanted and saved the game. THen when I opened up the game again I went into data files and tagged the new esm file.


The companion now look the way I want her to look. However I was warned that there might be problems using this method. Things seem to be working just fine for me, but I though I would include that warning incase someone els want to try and do the same.

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