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Everyone is miserable.


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The Empire is collapsing. Civil wars everywhere. Elsweyr and Black Marsh have broken off from the Empire. Skyrim is torn up by civil war. Daedric cultists have sparked a civil war in the Summerset Isles. Skyrim has declared war on Morrowind. Morrowind has been almost completely destroyed by the eruption of Red Mountain, reduced to a barren wasteland, which occurred through a series of equally unfortunate events. The poor Dunmer have been driven off what little was left of their land by the Argonians, and Solstheim is now their very last holdout. Black Marsh pretty much goes all out with war and is intent on killing everyone. Elseweyr cuts off all ties to every other nation and goes into isolation. The Blades have dispersed and almost totally died off. The Mages Guild has totally and completely fallen apart, and has been disbanded.


I am feeling very depressed right now, especially over Morrowind and... the DUNMER!! NOOOO!!!! :sad:


Why did everything and everyone have to end up completely miserable? Why did Tamriel have to turn into another crap sack world? This sucks.


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Well considering the entire empire stayed together because of the empires bloodlines, it makes sense.


Kind of wonder how there is going to be another elder scrolls game unless its a prequel though... I guess it could be another squeal that takes place ANOTHER 200 years in the future, Skyrim might be the last.

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This is a video game. There has to be problems for the player to solve. Granted you probably won't be able to solve all of them in Skyrim, but still...


Kind of wonder how there is going to be another elder scrolls game unless its a prequel though... I guess it could be another squeal that takes place ANOTHER 200 years in the future, Skyrim might be the last.


In a game as lore-based as TES is, it'd practically be impossible to get a prequel to make sense without some serious retconning.

Edited by Alcrin
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Unless they simply use an obscure part of the world that has little lore on it. A prequel doesn't sound like such a bad idea, but I think it's more important for the series to move forward in time, creating lore as it goes.


Besides, I remember back in the day when we had these same events happen on Earth and look at where we are compared to back then? We're so much worse off right now. Mehrunes Dagon would definitely be pissed if he saw Jersey Shore.

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And there are still many things that the series can elaborate, like the mysterious homeland of the High Elves, and the Akaviri. If they want to, I think we really can have at least 10 or 15 scrolls to play. ...Long story, really epic, eh? :tongue:
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Well considering the entire empire stayed together because of the empires bloodlines, it makes sense.


Kind of wonder how there is going to be another elder scrolls game unless its a prequel though... I guess it could be another squeal that takes place ANOTHER 200 years in the future, Skyrim might be the last.

It's up to the Dragonborn force to save the day!!

Nehrcup, Milosm, and Rubbils team up to form the Dragonborn force!


...Seriously though I'm pretty sure this isn't the last game, as there is regions that haven't been made into games yet I believe.

Also they'll probably end up having some new guy become emperor and make a deal again.

Edited by Unlimitedrevolver
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...Seriously though I'm pretty sure this isn't the last game, as there is regions that haven't been made into games yet I believe.


In Arena the entire continent of Tamriel was playable. There are other places (like Akavir) which are mentioned in lore but never shown, but I don't think we'll ever see those places.

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The Empire is collapsing. Civil wars everywhere. Elsweyr and Black Marsh have broken off from the Empire. Skyrim is torn up by civil war. Daedric cultists have sparked a civil war in the Summerset Isles. Skyrim has declared war on Morrowind. Morrowind has been almost completely destroyed by the eruption of Red Mountain, reduced to a barren wasteland, which occurred through a series of equally unfortunate events. The poor Dunmer have been driven off what little was left of their land by the Argonians, and Solstheim is now their very last holdout. Black Marsh pretty much goes all out with war and is intent on killing everyone. Elseweyr cuts off all ties to every other nation and goes into isolation. The Blades have dispersed and almost totally died off. The Mages Guild has totally and completely fallen apart, and has been disbanded.


I am feeling very depressed right now, especially over Morrowind and... the DUNMER!! NOOOO!!!! :sad:


Why did everything and everyone have to end up completely miserable? Why did Tamriel have to turn into another crap sack world? This sucks.


im sure it cant be worse then being a slave. i spit on dummer.

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All four mainline games in the series (plus the multitude of sidebar games) have focused on Tamrielic provinces. The Elder Scrolls is simply a story about the Empire and Bethesda has an interest in continuing that storyline as long as it makes them money


I don't see why that trend won't continue until all the provinces have been explored. Think it's safe to assume we will be able to intimately explore all 9 provinces (perhaps even a redo of the two in Daggerfall with a much more detailed game world, since that was mostly randomly-generated material).


After that (or in between, perhaps), who knows where Bethesda will take us? Off the continent finally?

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Yeah but I hate unavoidable bittersweet endings. Like what happened with the Dark Brotherhood... WHY?!!? We're the player, why can't we have the option to fix anything if we do it right? For example, why wasn't it an option to blow Bellamont's cover before he did it himself?!


Ok, I don't really care about the Empire cause well, the Empire is stupid and boring humans. But Morrowind!! And the Dunmer!! That was just totally not necessary!!! (I really don't want the setting of one of the best games ever to permanently go to pot.) :(


And the Mages Guild too. My absolute favourite guild besides the DB, since the Fighter Guild sucks (gave up on that before even finishing the first quest). The Mages Guild was just full of awesome, I want it back...

Edited by Lehcar
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