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Dark Relic: looking for Riggers/Modelers/Animators


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Hello and good evening or morning, which ever may be the case.

My name is Sarrene' and I am co-founder of a start up game development company, Triad Game Studios, LLC. I am not that good with words however I am passionate about both the game and our company. So i hope I can give enough description about ourselves and what we do.


We are in the first two years of development and are currently looking for a few people that would like to join our team. We have started development of Dark Relic and are nearing a year and a half into development.


Currently it is as a hobbyist position, however the opportunity to earn a salary as well as credits (like shares) in the LLC itself is very high. Work and time put in will determine the percentage of credits earned, as well as pay once one of two things happen first: Funding received or game is released. Documents and contracts are required for both NDA as well as your potential earnings.


We do not have a fancy website right now, just two that are currently in development and should improve as we go. We do not have a lot of public information up at this time either. Reasons are given below. We do however have a small team of very dedicated people that are fun and easy to work with. We also offer a fun and collaborative environment that is relaxed and easy going most of the time.


About Dark Relic

Our first independent game, Dark Relic is an MMORPG currently in development. This is a new world with some familiar and some new races. But not just any world. In Neithus, the players will actually be able to change the world around them. Dark Relic is based off a game module that I created many years ago called The 6th Aspect for D&D. It was then ported into 2nd edition and expanded to a full fledged game. Now, we are working on bringing that game to the pc as an MMORPG.


Dark Relic takes place in a world called Neithus, A world that was forged from magic through wars and strife. It takes place almost a thousand years after the Breaking, which you can read the start of that story, The Prelude, on our site if you are interested. (more on that story will be released every couple months). The Breaking was caused by misuse of the Relics that were given to the regents of five lands. And after they were lost, the players are brought into a world where rumor and myths of the past have come to life. The players align themselves with a regent, their guild and an alliance if they so wish, and vie for power and control over the Relics. But it does not end there. The players also have some control over the cities and neighboring towns as well. Keeping up the cities, their own land if they so chose, and engaging in trade all helps the world grow.


Our aim is to bring about some old style gaming concepts with some of the best ones in today's market and give it a whole new twist. With unique systems being developed and in place, we will be offering a new and unique form of gaming that bridges many play styles. This includes pve, pvp, raiding, grouping and even the solo player.


What we are looking for:

  • Rigger (requires 3ds max or maya experience)
  • Animator (requires 3ds max or maya experience)
  • Modeler (requires 3ds max or maya experience)
  • Programmer/scripter (requires knowledge of C++)
  • Concept artist


About TGS and Development

We currently have about 60% of of base engine systems done and have started with character development. Please note that MMO development is not for those that think a game can be designed and developed in just a few months or a year. Game development takes a long time, and an MMO even more work. Engine systems and programming are the basis of any game, especially an MMO. Therefore the first focus is on developing the engine systems; This will ensure a clean and good running game. Our second focus is with the quality of the graphics. Working on these together as we progress will help us create a game that is easily played, runs well with little latency server or client side.


Our goal is to release in third quarter of 2014, though we shall have to see how the next year of development goes. We do evaluate our progress every 6 months and set and adjust milestones based on that. Public information and content is limited at our site right now. This is done for two reasons:

  1. To make sure our content is copy-written (we are not relying on just a "poor-mans" copyright) before we make anything public
  2. To make sure that our systems are working and we can release those features.


We have a Developer only website that focuses on all things development. Along with many extensive tools for a positive and progressive development. Including but not excluding:

  • Full Project management system set up to track projects, tasks and milestones. This makes it easier for everyone to know what their job or task is, and how everyone else is doing.
  • We offer live chat and a conference room for collaboration and meetings.
  • Private and personalized email and email server.
  • Official forums for both members and private forums for developers.
  • Download and file sharing server that is private and protected.
  • Dedicated small team already in place, that will see this project trough to the end and beyond.
  • An extensive GDD (Game Design Document) with individual sections based on job type and development of the game.
  • Online development server


Dark Relic has paid and licensed the HeroEngine last year, along with development servers with real time design and collaboration tools. We have also obtained licenses for SpeedTree, Umbra, FMod and a few other 3rd party programs.


What do we have to offer you?

Triad Game Studios, LLC is a registered company in the state of Alabama and Michigan. We are currently 100% self funded, which has its good and bad points. The bad points are obvious, we are not able to pay anyone at this time. It would be a hobbyist position to start. The good, is that the longer we can wait to obtain external funding the more the developers and designers shall be able to receive as their Investment credits on top of their salary. We do reviews every six (6) months, and based on work done, participation and keeping your projects and tasks up to date determine how much of a % you will earn. Once funding comes in, or the game goes live, bonuses based on work will be issued out.

You shall also gain experience working on a game and a base engine, along with several tool sets both created by us and 3rd party tools (such as speedtree, Umbra, FMod)


What is required?

If you are interested in joining our team, a few things are expected and required.

  • First is filling out the Hobbyist application.
  • Interview informally with some prior work and or references.
  • Review, sign and return by postal mail service the following documents:
    • Non Dis closer Agreement (NDA),
    • Proprietary Rights
    • Non Compete Agreement (can be modified if necessary and if a current project is under way)
    • Software Agreement


Why am I posting on Nexus?

That answer is very simple. There are some amazing and very talented people that have plenty of experience in creating some amazing art. Though some of most of you may not have degrees at this time or no formal training, I cannot overlook the untapped talent. The other reason, is I got my start as a graphic artist many many years ago with no formal training myself. This was before computer graphic arts was an actual degree. I got my chance and the bug hit me. I would like to return that favor and chance that was given to me to others out there.


If you are interested please feel free to post here, or contact me directly in one of the several ways at the end of this post. If you do respond on this post, please link to some of the work you have done. images are nice too :)


Thank you for your time, I hope to talk to you soon!



Sarrene' Grant | Founder, President

[email protected]

Triad Game Studios, LLC. ( http://triadgames.com/ )

Dark Relic Online ( http://darkrelic.com )


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Hello Everyone,

I'm Jonathan, Sarrene's Husband and co-writer. I am know as Morb on the DarkRelic forums and Morbatail here. I am a Net-Monkey by trade I install. networks for banks and VOIP phone systems by day and night depending on the contract and work on the Lore for our project during the rest of the time. I have never had a talent for creating art or music and I am envious of the talent I have seen here and what we have working for us on Dark Relic. I do have a knack for story telling though (what Marine doesn't?). And I have enjoyed working on the history and lore for our game. I am an old school gamer from back in the coin-op days, the original Atari through to today's modern games for PC and X-Box.


I have 20+ years of experience with computers and networks starting out first building computers for CAD and CAM and working with robotics before joining the Marines for communications and ending up in the computer field during my second enlistment. After getting out I continued to work with computers and installing networks before moving over to work on VOIP and teaching.


As far as gaming though Sarrene pulled me from FPS when I met her 11 years ago. She introduced me to MMORPG's and of course Morrowind and Oblivion (still play them both and she is still mad at me for my first experience with Morrowind on her character of course. I really did hit the wrong button). She is great to work with and happy to teach and learn as we continue to develop our project. Our music department has talent that goes beyond anything I have ever heard developing the music that is amazing and brings you wanting to hear more. Our Lead Programmer is as hard a working individual as I have ever seen and jumps to fix any problems when we report them.



Well that's enough rambling on from me.



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Hello and good morning everyone :)

I wanted to thank everyone that has contacted me or sent in an application. We are honored to add two more to the team in the next few weeks as interns, I cannot wait to see how they will help enhance our project and what they have to contribute both in the art department and in collaboration.


We are still looking for the following as we would like to have three members for each team.

  • Rigger (requires 3ds max or maya experience) (Still need filled)
  • Animator (requires 3ds max or maya experience) (Still need filled)
  • Modeler (requires 3ds max or maya experience) (Two positions left)
  • scripter (requires some knowledge of C++) (Programmers filled)
  • Concept artist (Still need filled)


We are also still looking for a concept artist. If you are interested please feel free to contact me through any of the ways listed:

email: [email protected]

Site message: http://darkrelic.com (I am Odayin on Dark Relic site)

Application: http://triadgames.com/job-opportunities/jobs/application (just fill out information to the best of your ability)


A Special Thanks!

I also wanted to give a special thanks to ALL of the Nexus community. So many have not been interested in a long term project but have been so helpful with suggestions, constructive criticism and have even helped me find a few bugs on our website that we were unaware of. Support of the Nexus community goes out to the developers of nexus, the moderators and of course, all the community.


Thank you so much! I hope we are able to bring you all a game that most here will enjoy.


My Hats off to one of the best modding and creative communities around world. I am definitely staying here, as everyone has been great. Not sure why I never popped in or posted in the past now. :)



Sarrene' (Odayin)

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Oh, one way or another it will be released. I am that stubborn. Not only am I female, but i am also Scot :P Plus since we are currently self funded at this time, my husband told me that I would not be sleeping in the shed if it does not, but under it instead.


I am eager to release more information, though until we 1) have the information copyrighted and 2) have tested out the systems, public information is limited. I also have to first, get the go ahead from my partners. This is another reason why we have not gone "public" yet and announced our game on some of the larger game sites out there. We want to have a solid base completed with the game design, and know that most of our features are working.


Plus, this is a great community, with friendly and talented people- I figured you all deserved to know first.



Sarrene Grant

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I would like to thank everyone that has sent emails or filled out the applications. It has been great meeting and talking to everyone :) For those that were not accepted, I wanted to let them know to NOT give up, each and everyone of you has talent and I hope to see your work continue to grow here and elsewhere!


I would like to say that we are still looking for two/three positions yet:

  • Rigger (Animation experience is a plus)
  • Modeler (Character- dynamic and static) With either experience with or willing to learn facegen, (Animation experience is a plus)
  • + animator (either separate position or if you have experience with animations along with rigging/modeling.

Rigger: Creating the rigging (bipped) for the modelers to apply different models for races and actors. If you can animate that is a huge bonus.

Modeler: Creating character/actor models primarily, if you like to also create armor, clothing or any other assets, that is also a bonus.

+ Animator: If separate position, will be working along side both the Rigger and Modeler to produce clean animations for the actors.


Those that are accepted will be working along side our lead 3d artist while developing the actors, races and any additional assets.


If interested please feel free to contact me in any one of the ways listed in my first post.


Peace and have a great day,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to thank everyone, once more, this has been a very interesting time for me. I have learned a lot about the community here, as well as some very helpful tips.


We currently have all the writers, texture artists and character concept artists we need right now, I thank everyone that has applied.


We are still looking for a rigger and animator.

This seems to be the most difficult area for us to find someone that has knowledge, practical experience and a passion for game design. If you have these qualities and experience, please do not hesitate to contact us. Uni/College degree is not necessary.

For information on what we need, please feel free to view this Wiki from HeroEngine: http://hewiki.heroengine.com/wiki/Creating_Dynamic_Characters_Tutorial


In addition, due to a loss in one of our developers family, we are also now looking for a scripter. Must have some experience with scripting and a basic knowldge of C++. If you have worked with TES scripting, shaders, etc, we welcome you aboard. Please feel free to apply on the Triad Games Site, or message me in any of the ways listed below.


Thank you again for all your interest, It has been a pleasure.


Sarrene' Grant

[email protected]

Triad Game Studios, LLC. ( http://triadgames.com/ )

Dark Relic Online ( http://darkrelic.com )


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