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Mods suggestion.


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Hi guys!

I'm new to the forums, so I don't know whether I posted this thread in the right place.

If not, any mods or admin please move this thread to where it belongs. =) (And btw, English is not my first language. If I do not make sense, please correct. kthxbai.)


So, i'm reinstalling FNV and I having trouble to decide which mods I want for my next playthrough.

The last game was bugged, crashes when I talk to Sink CIU, and some weapons unable to install certain mods its suppose to. (I have WMX)

I'm looking for a Overhaul kinda mod like nVamp and FOOK. But nVamp has too many incompatiblities with other mods that I want.

Also looking for nice weapon packs like Nordic Firearms, ZL Armaments and Shrapnel that have weapon mods with it. But I don't want Shrapnel because it adds a giant Armory in the suite.

Some Armor packs. And some tweaks to game like Arwen NV Realism Tweak and PMT.

I also want to install Type3 and some Armors. (Nothing to do with this thread)


Oh I also prefer Packs so things don't get messy(I really don't wanna see 300 esp in the load order). I hope its not too much. =)

So please leave your suggestions on what I should install. Thanks in advance.


And no, I don't have any experience with Wyre Flash or w/e you guys called it, If that helps.


EDIT EDIT: Can't believe I forgot this. I'm also looking for graphic mods like retextures, enb and fancy stuffs like that.

Edited by x3Darkie
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ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated:





New Vegas Script Extender:






Get NVSE, use FOMM, sort with BOSS, make a merged patch with FNVEdit, and make sure you invalidate through FOMM or the link. This will help prevent problems in the future ;)

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Fallout 3 is kinda old.(Not that I hated it) And even if I want to get it, I couldn't get it now.

















ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated:





New Vegas Script Extender:






Get NVSE, use FOMM, sort with BOSS, make a merged patch with FNVEdit, and make sure you invalidate through FOMM or the link. This will help prevent problems in the future ;)


I got all of those except FNVEdit and ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated. Doesn't FOMM comes with one?

Could you also please give me a link to FNVEdit guide or tutorial? I'm new to this Merged Patch thingy.

Edited by x3Darkie
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Some times the link is easier for noobs... like I said in my first post FOMM has it too.


FNVEdit is simple... run it and wait for the loader to finish. Once it has right click the window with all your active mods then select create merged patch. Then activate it before you play... done.

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Some times the link is easier for noobs... like I said in my first post FOMM has it too.


FNVEdit is simple... run it and wait for the loader to finish. Once it has right click the window with all your active mods then select create merged patch. Then activate it before you play... done.


Oops must have somehow missed it.


I got FNVEdit before and when it loaded about half. It stopped loading, half of the load order that appear in FOMM is not loaded in FNVE. whats that about?

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Regarding GRAPHICS mods and the like... something I wrote in another thread seems reasonable enough to copy/paste here:


Potentially self-serving answers below since I wrote/worked on many of them, but still:


IMAGINATOR : Let's you control nearly all visual aspects of the game. Brightness/Contrast/Color/Tint/Light Output/etc... nearly limitless possibilities.


DYNAVISION2 : Adds in-game depth of field


CINEMATECH : Adds film grain/grits. Doesn't have to be overpowering and adds a nice touch.


DIRECTORS CHAIR : Controls all of the above within MOD CONFIGURATION MENU (awesome).


FNV ENHANCED SHADERS LITE : Adds nice post-processing typically found in DX10/11 games.


NEW VEGAS CONFIGATOR : Must have. Turn on threading for most things, then fiddle with the settings to your heart's content.



Other things:


NVSE (of course)




Turn on AMBIENT OCCLUSION in your NVIDIA settings (if you have NVIDIA that is). Use NVIDIA INSPECTOR if you can't find 'em. Google it.


Also turn on TRIPLE BUFFERING... helps with stuttering.


Look for GOPHER'S MODDING TUTORIALS on the NEXUS. He has one on VISUAL MODS and STABILITY. Good stuff.


And probably can't hurt to find the FALLOUT NEW VEGAS TWEAK GUIDE.

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