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Apologies if this isn't the right place. I'm here in search of mods that will turn me into the most bad ass fist fighter. Screw the swords and maces, flesh is the strongest weapon ever... Okay I tell a lie, I'm a poor soul who can't afford a weapon.


Anyways, I request mods that enhance melee combat. I request mods that acknowledge people who prefer to throw themselves at enemies instead of hiding behind a sissy shield (seriously, who likes shields?). Most importantly, they need to be easy to install. By easy I mean no harder than .omod level of installation. I do not mind the file size. If it takes me three hours to be the bad ass I desire to be, then so be it.


As for the list of mods that I'm currently using, I've got Keychains, Alternate Start, Full Harvest (because how can you FAIL to pick up a flower?) and darnified UI. I'd appreciate if you post mods that don't conflict with the mods I've got.


While on the note of Monks, feel free to discuss your favorite monk build, like your favorite race and skills, because even though I can roundhouse kick five ogres at the same time, I'm still not perfect.




EDIT: Well, how silly of me, I seem to have posted in the wrong place after all. Can I request a moderator to move this to the appropriate location?

Edited by Guest
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I like shields ...


Seph's H2H animation replacer is one I'd consider using

I also saw one with Flying Dragon Strike and Tiger Stalking Kick or something, which sounded awesome. I think it was something with african .. I don't know.

But for enhancing combat, what are you looking for? I'd be looking for increased damage, increased chance for Disarm, Knockback and Paralyze and maybe skills/talents?

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Thank you for replying! I'm looking for balanced damage. Something that can rival the use of swords (or even make swords seems like toy sticks!). I also want improved methods of taking down foes, like punching the opponent in the stomach and then kicking him in the happy sack. Basically, finish moves that look awesome.
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Even something simple like forearm smash, groin kick and things like that :) Though we would also need to incorporate something along the lines of deadly reflexes in order to dodge or avoid ranged weapons.
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Naturally monks would be allowed staves, shuriken, Sai etc. depending on what nationality of monk you are looking for :) If you are looking for Shau Lin monk, then almost all martial arts weapons would be a bonus, but that defeats the OP's request to have a monk that uses hand to hand.
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Apparently you have never been in a fight with a quarter staff :), or any other type of staff weapon. Very useful for keeping your enemy at range while still being able to land blows and the pain that can be inflicted is quite a lot, up to and including cracking the skull. Not to mention the fact that the quarter staff can be very fast and hard to defend against. Edited by Keirgarth
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A quarterstaff is, of course, the ultimate "free" non-weapon - "Would you begrudge an old man his walking stick?". And a 6 foot oak staff in the hands of an expert can take out anything up to plate armour, and can give a full plate mail wearer one heck of a headache. Add metal caps on the ends and it's even more lethal... drill and fill the ends with lead and cap them, and you're well on your way to a double-ended mace. Then you get into French style, where the staff is spinning so fast the momentum can shatter a sword blade...


Monks carried them, pilgrims carried them - heck, EVERYONE who didn't have a sword could carry one. If you broke it, you cut another - probably under 15 minutes to have a replacement weapon. Faster than buying a sword, unless you live above the smithy.


However, it IS off-topic compared with the original post, for which I apologise.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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