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Gamma/Contrast issues after uninstalling fellout mod


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After I uninstalled the fellout mod something happened and now all of the textures in my game look blown-out, like the contrast or gamma is too high. I've even tried uninstalling New Vegas (even deleting the folder) but that didn't fix it. I've also tried adjusting the gamma setting in fallout_default.ini but that didn't do anything either. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Edited by creatureshock
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I guess reinstalling didn't work because the textures still seem to be messed up. I've included a screenshot that shows what the problem is (sorry about the big file, I don't have photoshop): http://i.imgur.com/7qnMB.jpg


In-game brightness is turned down quite a bit, so that isn't the issue. Gamma is set to 1.0 as well. I also had enhanced shaders installed when I removed fellout, but I removed ES too and that didn't fix anything. If I do use enhanced shaders the colour palette just makes the textures look even worse.

Edited by creatureshock
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Maybe your monitor's brightness / gamma is too high? Try to look for that.

Also try to open the texture in a program like paint.Net to see if it is same there, if it is then that's a problem with the texture itself.


If it's still not fixed:

I recommend you go to My Documents > My Games > FalloutNV and delete everything in there except the "saves" folder.

Then you delete your "fallout new vegas" folder in "Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas" and you let Steam re-download it. (You can backup the Fallout - textures.bsa, Fallout - meshes.bsa etc before deleting if you don't want to loose a lot of time)


That should bring the game to it's default state.

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