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Please tell me it isn't just me..


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because I grew tired of it.


Hi, I started playing Oblivion about 2 weeks ago.. and since then the only thing I did was scour the internet finding all these quality mods to improve my game experience.. so by all means ignore my opinion because I'm a total nobody in the Oblivion comunity.



At this time I think I have enriched my game with the usual collection of female models, skimpy clothes, non-skimpy clothes to create the charater 'I' want to play.

As such I'm sure people could call me sexist.


I've also added Robert's male body models and all the clothes I could find, because from a semi-RP perspective I'd reccon that is what my character would enjoy to meet.

Being male myself I'm sure people could call me gay.


But while I respect anyones opinion on anything about anything.. it simply won't stop me from doing what I want... which is playing the game the way I want it.



Maybe it is just me... but I fail to understand why people can go through such lengths to 'condemn' someone for doing something they like to do.

Especially if that something is making something for 'free' which allot of people will 'enjoy' concerning a 'singleplayer' game.


But then I also don't understand why people who are being 'harrased' in such a fasion would care 'one bit' about what anyone says no matter the intention or quantity.

Especially on the Internet..


But that is just me.

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More on topic:


While I always like to take statements like: 'The large amount of sexist modifications are encouraging players to objectify women in general' with a grain of salt.

I do believe in 'social evolution'.


If the processes described in this thread about these specific oblivion mods, or the pornagraphic industry in general, lead to reccuring and amplifying behavior changes in our society one has to ask if they may not be for the best?

Morality asside (yes I know I know) changes happen because of a reason.

If these changes do not lead to a big enough conflict to invoke a opposing force strong enough to reverse the change they simply will 'happen'.

And while from a current point of view the 'out come' situation might not look preferable one might argue points of view might differ in the new situation or will invoke 'new' changes which 'do' lead to a preferable situation.

But I'm talking very long term here.

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This is a fantasy game. Are the lizards and cat people realistic? We play to be or do something fantastic. Some people enjoy playing a dwarf or gnome or orc but not me. I play to be a champion or a really cool evil. Either way I want them to be "ideal", not some old flabby avatar... Bethesda didn't make "overweight" a customizable option, but their defaults are pretty bland. So those complaining about mods with extreme body types why aren't you complaining about Bethesda not including fat body types in the default system? That's more realistic than everyone being trim with the same body structure.


I guess it's just a maturity thing. My wife is tall and trim but like most real trim women doesn't have a huge rack. Sure I like a big rack as much as the next guy but I don't care that my wife doesn't have one. We play video games for the superficial enjoyment. Blowing things up, wielding a badass sword, etc. It's all differing levels of eye candy.


Should I be disappointed that I can't go home to a women with a huge rack? Only if I'm allowed to be disappointed in the fact I can't break out a rocket launcher and blow up my neighbors house. Or put on some plate mail and ride a horse without chaffing.


It's a video game. We are trying to enjoy fantasies without realism getting in the way. The very nature of fantasies is dreaming of ideal things.

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The point of the thread is, among other things, that most of the "pose" pictures do not, in fact, feature nude characters, but scantily clad ones. I don't mind sunsets myself, but there are just so many redundant ones... That is to say, wider search/View Images filters to avoid the pictures you don't want.


EDIT: Nevermind. Got my threads mixed up... :sweat:

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Not long ago I saw a comics with some pages just related to the topic. This might be interesting I think :)








The strangest thing is that the poor blonde girl there is a former male barbarian. Men change their opinions when they get into the situation themselves, don't they? Oh, that's just a comics :)

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<snipped to save space>

While I don't object to the skimpy stuff for either gender, I do often wish more modders would cater for the males in equal terms as the females. Guys like boobie girls, I like big men. Works both ways.


Your pardon, but some of us males are leg men. I play a female....have been for ages because I'll never be a woman in this life...and am happy with the vanilla bodies. I once down loaded a mod to take a look at it, and presto, my comfortable B cups had been transformed into DDs. I was appalled. I mean, how could I shoot a bow (my only weapon) with all that in front of me ?! Took the mod out.

And the people that gave you grief about your mods, well...they can just go jump, the ingrates.

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