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I want a female character who is really fat with two wooden legs, a glass eye and a brass nose but no-one seems interested in making her for me. Swines!
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at first i didnt understand when i saw the thread, i was thinking "someone actually thinks the oblivian woman are sexy :O"


ok let me start by saying im a pervert, a male one at that if you have any doubts. Anyway i guess the reason why i want to change the npcs in the first place i thought they were unnaturally ugly, so i decided to change it. then after i download those few mods i was thinking.... i wonder how far these "artists" went with uh... "artistic license"?


but anyway i came to this fourm for a natural beauty thing for all the npcs not just for females...


Im sorry if my interest in the female body and stuff that are visually pleasing made some one a litttle uneasy (no offense but im not really sure what the problem is..)

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I agree; the only thought going through the heads of the people making and downloading these mods is, BOOBIES!!, or at least something similar.


First of all, that is an inaccurate statement, as previously said...


now to the op, I understand your point, but like others have said, just don't download those mods if it offends you...

also I personally think that the default underwear is realistic of the time but not in the manner that the player has no option to not wear it (obviously done to avoid an AO rating), so some mods can be used to enhance a players view of realism... I have Both Exnems eyecandy nude, and a male nude one for the realism (imo)...


now about your comment regarding moders... there are female moders, I'm pretty sure Growlf is one of them and she has made some very good looking "sexy" clothing for female characters...


it been said, but I will say it again... You cannot see my screen from your chair... so how can what my screen displays offend you in any way? If you prefer the look of women in vanilla oblivion then keep it that way, if you want something else, make it or ask someone to make it...


thank you for starting this thread, much needed discussions have been going on within it. :bigsmile:


Edit: also there is a mod that makes men (npcs) wear dark seducers armor from SI, just thought you might like to know...

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... I mean, how much enjoyment can you get from pixels? No matter how realistic the mod is, it's still just pixels.


And the sword and armor your character wears are real? Do you like cartoon armor or realistic armor better? Or is it ok to enjoy realistic pixels of swords and armor, but not women?


First of all - There's only one companion on tessource (Heather) that was explicitely x-rated. The rest are just, as you put it, eye-candy on top of an NPC character. My Rhianna companion was designed to fill a real need - a magic healer and a friend to hang out with. And yes, I made her as pretty as I could. Do you prefer ugly friends?


Secondly, I think you need to just get over yourself. If what other people enjoy offends you so much, you need to stop and consider what are the real issues that you're subliminating.



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it is getting to the point where is seems like this is everyone against me (urgh, how teenagery does that sound?)


I would like to point out that i am very much in agreement to the below thinking:

Still, the advice for dealing with mods that one thinks are stupid or pointless is as old as moddable games- if you don't like it, don't use it. Nobody forces anybody to download mods they don't want

In this is particular case it is even more emphasised by the fact that if you didn't tell anyone, no one would know... who are you possibly hurting (i have skimmed over some subtleties there, i could go further on that point but i have already said it in this post, i wont bother wasting your time)


i had a whole heap of examples on just how wrong it is; but they all involve religion so i will shut up now so i dont get in trouble from the mods.:)


My reason for posting here is because Swedishmeatball asked if it was just her that was bothered by it. I am not trying to tell people they aren't allowed to do it just because i might disapprove.



<EDIT> i was typing this as Jumonji had posted.

Good point, but the weapons people make (which mostly look pretty cool) aren't sexist, which is what Swedish's point was. Ah that magic work 'realistic' comes forth again, they didn't have breast augmentation surgery back then... just how realistic is it?


I have no probs with people downloading these mods, but doing it in the name of realism is a bit rich...


Regarding Heather from TESSSourse; I guess it depends on what you class as x-rated. I just did a search on mods with companion in the mod name (there were 89). On the first screen, the first 2 females that had images, showed them very scantily clad and posing on a bed for the 'camera' and one had an equally scantily clad playmate in her arms. Looking at the previews of the first mods to come up in the search, the 'real need' they are there to fill seems to be a little hazy.


btw, nice work on making Rhianna dress herself practically (i'd use the word realistically, but the word gets bandied about in this thread it has lost all meaning.)


I'll leave your last point alone, it's too easy.:)

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<EDIT> i was typing this as Jumonji had posted.

Good point, but the weapons people make (which mostly look pretty cool) aren't sexist, which is what Swedish's point was. Ah that magic work 'realistic' comes forth again, they didn't have breast augmentation surgery back then... just how realistic is it?


I have no probs with people downloading these mods, but doing it in the name of realism is a bit rich...


Regarding Heather from TESSSourse; I guess it depends on what you class as x-rated. I just did a search on mods with companion in the mod name (there were 89). On the first screen, the first 2 females that had images, showed them very scantily clad and posing on a bed for the 'camera' and one had an equally scantily clad playmate in her arms. Looking at the previews of the first mods to come up in the search, the 'real need' they are there to fill seems to be a little hazy.


btw, nice work on making Rhianna dress herself practically (i'd use the word realistically, but the word gets bandied about in this thread it has lost all meaning.)


I'll leave your last point alone, it's too easy. :)


Dangle, I was referring to Sweadishmeatball's word realistic in that pixels are not real. Not that big-boobed women are (or are not) real. (I do happen to know a few myself, but let's not go there, shall we?) Anyway - I was mostly reacting to the charge against "companion" mods, not against body or costume mods, which are pretty much anachronistic whether or not you limit it to just females. I mean, come on, how much glass armor do you think really existed? Or, for that matter, minotaurs and unicorns? This is a fantasy world, after all!


I meant x-rated, as in simulated sex-acts, as opposed to nudity which is just r-rated. Although, there are some new companion romance mods which I haven't checked out - so I could be wrong in my counting.




So - what this all really comes down to is everyone's definition of "sexist," which literally means stereotyping based on gender. Here's my esential take on that:


Some women feel sexy and enjoy looking good in provocative clothing. (Been to the mall lately?) Others do not want to act or be seen as sexy. (Been to a family reunion lately? lol!) Sexism, to me, is picking either one of these and saying all women are like that. So - saying that NO woman can be a sexy amazon is just as sexist as saying ALL women are sexy amazons. Get it?


Now - to me - meatballs doesn't want to allow us this gaming environment where women are portrayed as sexy .. that is a sexist attitude. 'nuff said.



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many good points there, i agree on your two extremes of sexism, both are equally inappropriate. Yet as far as that goes, i think that Swedish (and i agree with her) has problems with the fact that every single female mod is beautiful (fair enough, a part of everyone wants to be beautiful) and/or slutty (that's the problem). She seems to think in the exact same way you do. She disapproves of the community's desire to create a civilsation of only goddess'. I did also note that she isn't forbidding anyone the right to create or load these mods (which would be just as sexist as those who say NO woman can be a sexy amazon), she said she just wants to know if it is just her that thinks that way.


and what was that about "been to the mall lately?" whats a mall, here in Australia, we dont have malls :) j/k


No, we dont need to touch the big boob factor, i know a few too and the one i married happens to be gifted in that department. But yes, i think we are both mature enough to know that that isn't the issue,


and lol @ your assessment of the thinking of meatballs...

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ok. That solves the gripe about variety. So a mod that changes the ladies to have curvier hips and brings out the shoulders/pecs on blokes applies it to ALL of the members of the race, and not just the semi naked 'companions'.


I recall hearing about the nightmare it would take to change people individually and that it just would not happen. So that's a very fair point.


But i think the main issue is the couture, not the anatomy.

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But i think the main issue is the couture, not the anatomy.

On that end, it's really the product of two situations. First you have a limited collection of meshes that can be recolored/textured by modders. This is why many of these clothing and armor mods tend to use tight fitting models which can take advantage of the alpha channel to create a specific effect. There are some retextures of standard meshes, but most of them don't look too great because you can tell that they were just retextured. Some modders get around this by mixing and matching pieces of retextured armor, but there are only a few pieces of standard armor that don't look fugly on anyone. On the otherhand, you also have a larger group of people who want sexy or revealing armors, afterall, why go through the trouble of downloading skin and body mods if you're never going to see them. It'd be like getting the Mona Lisa tattooed on your ass, Unless it is being seen by someone, it isn't doing any good. Even women want to look sexy from time to time.


There are decent alternatives, but you kinda have to search for them since they aren't mentioned nearly as much (given the community majority of 12-24 year old boys) but they are out there. There are also modders like Sickle Yield who only release things that are conservative. You just have to look for them.

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