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Need some serious help with Mayu's Animations Overhaul!


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Goto to the guards which stand around, click one and type "evp" (evaluatepackage). Are they doing anything? The console output maybe helpful here.


Backgroupd of this question is, that ALL guards (everywhere) should have exactly one common AI package "GuardPatrolBeginPatrol", which is unconditional and brings them to there starting position (in the CS).


So if evp doesn't work: open oblivion.esm and look for this "GuardPatrolBeginPatrol". Open any vanilla guard, click AI, and get the ID for said AI package (in my case it'S "362b9").


Then in the console click a guard, and type "addscriptpackage <ID>". The best is you go to their quarters, if there are any guards left for sitting or eating. If you do this command, they will stand up right away and go.


I don't know what this will help you, but's the best I see right now. :)

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Goto to the guards which stand around, click one and type "evp" (evaluatepackage). Are they doing anything? The console output maybe helpful here.


Backgroupd of this question is, that ALL guards (everywhere) should have exactly one common AI package "GuardPatrolBeginPatrol", which is unconditional and brings them to there starting position (in the CS).


So if evp doesn't work: open oblivion.esm and look for this "GuardPatrolBeginPatrol". Open any vanilla guard, click AI, and get the ID for said AI package (in my case it'S "362b9").


Then in the console click a guard, and type "addscriptpackage <ID>". The best is you go to their quarters, if there are any guards left for sitting or eating. If you do this command, they will stand up right away and go.


I don't know what this will help you, but's the best I see right now. :)


Ok well I used evp on most of the guards I could find. For some of them it worked! ...At least I think. Some said Sleep they went to sleep. Some said Travel they didn't have a distance so they didn't move but some did and some moved. Some had Eat and they went to eat. But there's still ones that don't move. ...So what next..? x.x

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But there's still ones that don't move. ...So what next..? x.x

I have no idea. At least you know that it has to do with Ai, not animations. ;)


If noone else has any clue, I would say you could do the following things:

- Load a very early save and see what happens with the guards

- Since AI is stored in the .esp files I would try to deactivate them in groups with the Oblivion Launcher to see what happens

- Or, simply do this evp as you meet guards. And see if they keep doing there schedule, at least for a while.


It's not unlikely when some of them don't move with evp. Then they simply stand at their default location.


Maybe it has something to do with path finding, and one of your city overhauls has simply defined unsufficient paths, or may be one other mod has destroyed pathfinding. This can happen very easily. But of course other mod users would have noticed. Just speculating.


Look at this thread guards-walking-into-eachother. Looks similar to what you experience.

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You should be able to check for insufficient pathgrid by toggling it in the console. Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki for Script Functions:

52 Console TogglePathGrid TPG 0x0115 Toggle blocked display. 0x0 0x0 0

53 Console TogglePathLine TPL 0x0116 Toggle path display. 0x0 0x0 0

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You should be able to check for insufficient pathgrid by toggling it in the console. Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki for Script Functions:

52 Console TogglePathGrid TPG 0x0115 Toggle blocked display. 0x0 0x0 0

53 Console TogglePathLine TPL 0x0116 Toggle path display. 0x0 0x0 0



Striker call me a noob but that's a little too advanced for me. I don't understand any of that type of stuff...



EDIT: Nevermind I see it. I'll see what it brings up.

Edited by Squall429
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Ok well... I did the TPG and TPL. But.. What exactly am I looking for? It didn't necessarily say Insufficient pathgrid. Just showed some red dots connected to lines with some blue dots.


Also just earlier, when a Night guard came to the day guard to be his relief as soon as he said that the guy just stopped in his tracks and didn't move as the other, went off to sleep.


This is seriously irritating. Also when I click EVP on the Guards, it says: Travel () and they never move.

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What you're looking for when you toggle the path grid on is areas that lack the orange or red dots. The NPC artificial intelligence (AI) can only move using the pathgrid (from dot to dot) unless it's following a follow player package (like can happen with companions when you're wandering the wilderness ... not all wilderness areas are fully pathgrided). With the pathgrid dis[play toggled on see if they stop when they get somewhere without a next node nearby.
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