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Need some serious help with Mayu's Animations Overhaul!


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The blue ones mark the preferred path ... NPCs are supposed to follow the blue dots when they're available (although I've seen where they seem to ignore the preferred path for their own at times).
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Checking out the pathgrid was meant as part of identifying the root of your problem. If a pathgrid is available, but they're not following it we can eliminate that as a possible cause. A while back fore was wondering if your problem could be related to one of your mods changing the IC and perhaps not having a pathgrid.
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Earlier you mention that you think it may be something in your save game. If you have an earlier save, from well prior to all this happening you could try loading that save an check out the guards for the problem. Alternatively, you could start a new game and check out the guards. If the problem doesn't affect either of those games you know it's isolated to that particular save.
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I think you may be at the point where you need to disable a block of your mods (if you have a bunch that are related or dependent on one another do them together), and see if you can narrow down the list of possible offenders. The other thing that comes to mind is that I don't see a bashed patch showing in your load order. Do you sort your mods with BOSS and then use Wrye Bash to make a bashed patch?
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I think a Wrye Bash - Bashed Patch will help you. HERE is a link to an extreme amount of information about Wrye Bash. Dont try to take it in all at once. Hit Ctrl-F and search for keywords like "Bashed Patch". Here is a section I found by searching that keyword on the Wrye Bash readme. Post back when you have more questions about Bashed Patches. More importantly I hope a patch solves your issue.


A Bashed Patch is a configurable, custom built patch. The patch can have multiple components, which you can choose and configure as you like. You can also have multiple patches (typically, you would have one patch per major set of load mods).

Patch Usage


• Select a Bashed Patch

• Probably Bash has automatically created one for you. If not, you can copy the blank one from Oblivion\Mopy\Extras to Oblivion\Data.

• Note that the author of the mod must be set to BASHED PATCH.

• Configure the Patch

• Right click on the Bashed Patch and select "Rebuild Patch..." This will bring up a dialog in which you can activate and configure various patcher components.

• To activate a component, just click its checkmark box.

• To configure a component, select it. Note that:

• Most components will try to automatically configure themselves, but you may still need to tweak their settings.

• Some components do not need to be configured (e.g., Alchemical Catalogs).

• Configuration of specific components is covered below.

• Build the Patch

• Once you have at least one component selected, the OK button will become enabled. Click on it to update the patch, or click Cancel quit without updating the patch mod.

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A while back MarkInMKUK posted detailed step by step bashed patch instructions. He kindly gave me permission to repost them when it would be helpful. I've put them in spoiler tags to keep things neat here:


OK, so, we will assume that you have a correct Python install, and have installed Wrye Bash, and BOSS as well. There SHOULD be a shortcut labelled "Wrye Bash Launcher" on your desktop if all went well. Double-click it as you would any other desktop shortcut, and Wrye Bash will pop up a small window while starting, then its main window.


At the top of the Wrye Bash window is a series of tabs labelled "Installers", "Mods", "Saves", etc. Make sure the one labelled "Mods" is selected - the others can be ignored for the moment.


Next, look right at the bottom of the window. You should see a series of icons, including a pale green and pale pink aquare, and the familiar Oblivion icon. Depending which other Oblivion-related programs you also have installed, you may see icons for paint.NET, Blender, Bink Video utilities, and plenty of programs which I also don't have installed. The one to look for is the word "Boss" in black lettering.


If you have both of those, you are well on your way to building a "Bashed Patch". Next - a little bit of setting up...


Firstly the second column on the screen currently shows something like "Lo...". In the same way you would if using a spreadsheet, hover your mouse next to that label until you find the vertical bar separating it from the next column (labelled "R"). Click and drag that to the right, until the header says "Load order". Once you can see that, release the mouse click, and then click ON the words "Load Order". The column below, and the associated mods, should organise themselves into numerical order, starting with "00" at the top, and increasing as you go down the column. With me so far?


Secondly, right-click anywhere on the bar with the "File" and "Load Order" labels in. A pop-up menu should appear. Remove the tick from "Lock Times" if there is one, and make sure there are ticks in front of "BOSS disable lock times" and "Always update BOSS masterlist prior to running BOSS".


Now, click the BOSS icon at the bottom of the screen. There will be a small popup while the Masterlist updates, and BOSS runs, and then a window will open with the "Better Oblivion Sorting Software Log" in it. Read down it, and you should see familiar mod names, along with some arcane comments about "Bash tag suggestions". Check through the whole list for anything labelled "Error" or "Warning" - these need to be dealt with (or at the very least, understood) before trying to go further.


If you close the BOSS log and go back to the Wrye Bash window, you may well find that mods have changed order in the window. BOSS has used its Masterlist to determine what it thinks is the best load order, and adjusted the date and time stamps of the files so that they load in that order.


Now, left-click on ANY one of the mods, and press Ctrl+A to select all of the mods. They should all be highlighted. Right-click the highlight, and select "Mark Mergeable" from the Pop-up. After a few seconds, a window will pop up giving a list of the files that Wrye Bash believes can be merged, either partially or fully, into its Bashed Patch file. If they weren't alredy, you may now notice that the text has changed colour for some of the mod names, and the boxes to the left of the names may also have changed colour.


Scroll down towards the bottom of your mod list. Ideally right at the bottom, you should find a file marked "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". If this is not present, follow the instructions in the Wrye Bash readme to locate it and copy it (NOT move it) to the correct place, then re-run BOSS.


Once you have a Bashed Patch" file, the next stage is to USE it. Right-click the file, and select "Rebuild patch". Another popup will appear (unless you, for some reason, have no mergeable mods)...


"The following mods are mergeable. While it is not important to Wrye Bash functionality or the end contents of the bashed patch, it is suggest that they be deactivated and merged into the patch; this (helps) avoid the Oblivion maximum esp/m limit."


There will then be a list of mod files, followed by


"Automatically deactivate those mods now?"


Click "Yes".


The next popup has DOZENS of options in the left-hand window. The one we are interested in this first time through is the second item on the list, "Merge Patches". Put a tick in the box next to it, and then tick all of the files which appear in the right-hand window by selecting the "Select all" button. Now click the button marked "Build Patch". A popup will tell you that the program is working, and give you a progress bar.


Once completed, another popup will tell you what it did, so just hit "OK". It will probably prompt you to "Activate the Bashed patch" - do so by clicking the box next to it, and a tick will appear. The ticks in some of the other boxes will have disappeared now, or been replaced with + or dot marks. This tells you what their new status is.


You may now close Wrye Bash, and run Oblivion, and the whole things SHOULD work just as before, but with less files active, so a smaller load list.


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