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Upon Unconscious Awakening Health 1%


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Can somebody please make a mod that makes essential NPCs wake up from being unconscious with 1% health? I tried everything on GECK. It would be great while I make a run for it from specific NPCs, it would make sense that NPCs dont wake up from almost certain death with their health fully restored don't you agree?


Hope someone can make this mod.

Edited by jambonpaper
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well first is the hardest, the npc that is to be protected this way, you have to dectect consteadly what their health is and effectively as soon as it hit 1% assuming it does. you stop all dammage by someway. then you set them unconious. freeze their health regen. then you have to make a timer that will wake them up


this is the only way i see it working the way you seek except it is likely it will not work the npc will die first


you could also make an effect that remove all but 1% of their health, put that in a timer so the damage is inflicted just as they wake up


both ways very difficult

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