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Bullets hit an inch below crosshair after installing FWE


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I'm guessing I stuffed up, I had the hardest time installing it cause i'm new to it. Anyone know what I might have done wrong?


I used console to give myself XP and leveled smallguns to 100. I've practised shooting things like cups, bottles etc and if I aim directly at them from a couple feet away the bullet goes underneath the item. This happens both scoped and no scoped

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It could be a GUI problem. Maybe your crosshair isn't perfectly in sync with the center of the screen?


I'm not entirely proficient with Fallout 3, so my guesses are that #1, your crosshair isn't in sync with the center of the screen, and #2, the Auto-Aim feature (that can't be turned off, I think it's actually called Auto-Rise or something) for the "first person shooter" element of Fallout 3 has screwed up on you. However, Auto-Aim doesn't affect inanimate objects such as a bottle, so that could wipe #2 out.


I suppose if it bugs you too much, you could turn the crosshair off, too. If the crosshair isn't in sync somehow, your guess of where the bullets would hit will probably be more accurate.

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