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Left shoulder anomaly.


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So I have been struggling with this issue for more than a year now and have finally decided to post it as a question to the forums. What I am attempting to do is create a symmetrical version of the Narrowed-Shouldered Type 3 Cali body. I throw it into Blender flip the usual normals that are see-through around the feet and then proceed to cut the body in half. This time unlike the countless others I used the snap selection to grid to ensure that all vertices were aligned along the z-axis(yes I used to manually pull all of them...don't judge me). Mirror it with no clipping then proceed to tag all textures to their respective meshes. I then import the skeleton and have it parented correctly to all the parts and export it. Looks fine in Nifskope as always but when I go to look at a random NPC in G.E.C.K. I have the image below to greet me. Nothing is wrong except that exact area; I even run through some animations to see and the leg works fine but the arm keeps that stretched appearance. What am I doing wrong?



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Some time ago I examined the vanilla bodies (mesh) and there is a difference how left and right shoulder skeleton is set up. If I recall correct the right side (the gun hand side) of the shoulder have shoulder and shoulder "help" bone in the same xyz coordinate. But left side has them a bit separated as someone would assume a correct setup should be done. Got me puzzled into the reason for that, however...

If you mirrored the weight paint, this difference in bone position would cause this strange looking for the mesh I think?


Edit: Taking another look it seems too big to be just that little bone but it can still be worth to check out what weight paint values that left shoulder uses.

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