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What is causing crashes right before raven rock?


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Whenever I get to the point after you get flashed and right after colonel autumn talks my game just crashes. I don't really understand why this is happening because I don't have anything that modifies any of these events, I have archive invalidation on, FOSE, and my merged patch. If someone could take a look at my load order or give me some advice it would be much appreciated.






If you think it's something wrong with my installing abilities you could check this but I warn you it's unorganized and a little blurry:



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Thanks a lot! I did it and it worked after I had spent about an hour making sure everything was installed correctly and was conflicting.



If you have any Live Iguanas in your inventory, throw them on the ground before you're captured and that will stop the crashing if it's them causing it. (Yes, I realize this sounds pretty weird.)

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